Chapter Three

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Kristy's POV

I'm sitting on the bed waiting for Konrad to finish his shower, finally the water gets cut off and he comes walking out of the bathroom with a towel dangerously low.. I couldn't help but look over his body, he had a nice 6 pack and a gorgeous V line, as I'm staring a little longer than anticipated, he drops his fucking towel, I quickly cover my eyes trying to hide my extreme blush. I hop off the bed and begin rambling about how I was gonna go down to the living room. I fumbled for the door handle and eventually closed the door behind me taking deep breaths in the hall way, when all of a sudden the smell of toast and bacon overwhelms my nose. My stomach growls and I make my way down to the kitchen.

There in the kitchen stands kaleb cooking breakfast while singing along to the radio, his voice was angelic. I came into the kitchen and sat at the island behind kaleb watching his arms as he cooked.

Kristy: "That smells really good, and your voice is amazing"

Kaleb fumbles for a second causing a piece of bacon to fly onto the floor which hunter happily gobbled up.

Kaleb: "ah fuck you scared me-Hunter! Get out of the kitchen!"

Kristy: "I'm sorry I couldn't help but smell the bacon from upstairs."

Kaleb: "upstairs? I thought we put you to bed on the couch?"

Kristy: "oh I woke up and Konrad brought me to his room so I slept with him for the night"

I noticed a flash of hurt and concern flash across his face, but he quickly regained his happy attitude.

Kaleb: "oh well that was nice of him"

From his tone I could tell he was still concerned

Kristy: "don't worry we didn't have sex if that's what you're thinking, it was merely just so I had a bed to sleep in and not the couch"

Kaleb relaxed from my explanation, and continued To cook

Kaleb: "ah well that was nice of him to offer, breakfast is almost done I hope you're hungry"

Just as he says that my stomach growls loudly and I can't help but blush from my body demanding food. Kaleb plates up the food and brings it to the dining table, I noticed that there were two glass plates and cups filled with water, and one plate for a child set up with a sippy cup filled with apple juice.

As I'm staring in confusion at the table Konrad walks in and takes a seat at one of the glass plates and kaleb takes a seat at the other leaving the child's placement for me.

Kaleb: "come sit aren't you hungry?"

Kristy: "Uh yeah I am.."

I sit at my spot and we all begin eating, I take a sip from the sippy cup which immediately puts me in my little space.

Kristy: "dis is weally nummy fanks you kaweb!"

Kaleb: "of course cutie now finish up your food"

Being called cutie caused me to giggle, and I finished everything on my plate, as I was drinking from the sippy cup kaleb pipes up.

Kaleb: "so Kristy. Do you know what DDLG is?"

Kristy: "Yep! It's a bdsm relationship"

Konrad: "oh so are you a little?"

Kristy: "I littles right now silly billy hehe"

Kaleb: "well that's good to hear cutie because we actually wanted you to be our little."

That comment made me slip out of little space fast, I was trying to process 'our' he said 'our little' how does that even work?

Kristy: "sorry, um did you say 'our little'?"

Kaleb: "yes I did, we would like you to be our little."

Kristy: "h-how does that even work?"

I'm racking my brain trying to process everything. I know what bdsm is, I know what Ddlg is, but two dominants that's totally out of my realm of knowledge, do they swap off, do we all have sex together, do I get double punishments, double rewards, this is all so confusing to me...

Konrad: "well, we would both be your caregivers, you may call us whatever you feel like, and we would both take care of you, Kaleb works Monday, Wednesday, Friday. I work Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, we both have Sundays off. So you would never be alone.

Kristy: "but uh, how does the, ya know, ahem, play... work?..."

Kaleb: "we wouldn't do any of that until you're ready, but since you asked, our free days are our play days with you."

Konrad: "expect sundays of course when we tag team you"

Kaleb: "Konrad you'll scare the poor girl"

Kristy: "oh Nono it's okay I mean I asked..."

I sheepishly kick my feet under the table fondling my sippy cup in my lab trying to cover up my humiliation..

Kaleb: "Hey don't worry about it ya? It's okay if you don't want to we just wanted to offer since we think you'd be an amazing little"

I immediately shot my head up almost giving myself whiplash. These two, want me, to be their little. I mean I've always wanted a daddy but now I have two? I mean I always knew I was lucky but this seems almost too much, I look over at kaleb and Konrad, both seem to be trying to read my face, they both have sad expressions waiting for the rejection to come

Kristy: "I'll uh... I'll give it a shot I guess?"

And with that kaleb shoots up with a boyish grin on his face and picks me up kissing my cheeks and twirling me around causing me to giggle

Kristy: "Stops it I'm getsin dizzy!"

Kaleb stops spinning me but dosnt stop attacking my face in kisses and I can't stop smiling. I finally have a daddy-scratch that- Two daddy's.

Kaleb carries me down the hallway past Konrads room and another door which I can only guess is Kaleb's room and opens the last door in the hallway, which is the cutest most adorable room a little could ask for, there's stuffies, a TV, a shelf with every VHS ever, dollies, a doll house, fake kitchen items, a walk in closet filled with every dream item of clothing, he puts me down and I'm immediately overwhelmed-and that's when everything went black.


1057 words
And that's a wrap on chapter three! How do you like it so far?? Make sure to let me know by leaving me a rate and a comment or even a DM on Instagram @_.princesskristy._

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