Chapter Seven

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•Konrad's POV•

I open the backdoor returning from my walk to the store with Hunter, as to which hunter immediately runs to the kitchen.

Konrad: "Princess! I'm home! Are ya hungry for some breakfast?"

I walk into the kitchen putting my bags down onto the island. Not nothing a note among them. I walk down the hall to her room. Empty? Where could she be? I noticed her stuffie and soother missing from her bed.

Konrad: "Princess come out, come out, wherever you are! Daddy's gonna find youuu!"

I walk down the hall to the first rooms and noticed the doors to every room was opened. Strange. I then hear hunter whining at the front door, barking.

I walk over suspecting he needed to go to the bathroom and as soon as I did he went bolting down the street.


Fuck, first I can't find Kristy and now hunter ran away. I walk into the kitchen deciding to let the dumb dog go for his run, he knew the neighbourhood by now, not his first time running away.

I began unpacking the bags, starting to cook breakfast when I noticed a slip of paper with pink marker written all over it.

Dear Kaleb and Konrad,

I am sorry that I have upset you both so dearly, I have realized my mistakes and I have realized that neither of you should need to deal with the trouble I have brought to your home. Please give Hunter a hug for me I will miss him dearly. And with all respect for you both, I hope you find your perfect little A role I have failed to fill for you both. Goodbye I have loved the time spent with you both.


Konrad: "FUCK! How did I let this fucking happen?!"

I immediately called Kaleb.

*on the phone*

Dude, she's gone
What do you mean she's gone???
She's GONE! She thinks we abandoned her
How?? You were home with her weren't you??
I-I uh went shopping with hunter...
You took, the fucking dog, but forgot Kristy, after we GAVE HER A PUNISHMENT??
I know! I thought I had time before she woke up but I guess she woke up and I wasn't home!
I'm coming home, I'm going to fucking kill you after this if she won't come home or if she's fucking missing or hurt, literally anything happens to her, you're dead.
I'm gonna go look at the park, I'll She if she's there.

I Immediately got myself out the door running down towards the park, I ran towards the swing set, and I heard barking and crying from the slides.

Kristy: "go away hunter, I'm not wanted anymore. That means we can't see eachother anymore."

I heard Kristy sobbing while hunter tried to cheer her up, I could see him jumping up to the slide trying to climb up the smooth plastic.


And with that, I heard hunter whine and began running home, fuck, I'll deal with that dog later.

After sitting listening to my princess sob I got a text

Kaleb- did you find her?
Konrad- park, she screamed at hunter she's not okay and I don't know if I could help at all right now
Kaleb- I'm 2 minutes away, just keep a eye on her make sure she doesn't hurt herself.
Konrad- gotcha.

I listened to her crying when I realized she started a phone call.

Kristy: "S-S-Shyanne? I-I need help."

...I couldn't hear the Shyanne person over the phone, only Kristy's replies.

Kristy: "w-well do you remember those two guys I was telling you about?"
"Yeah well they dumped me I think, okay yeah I know, shut up, it's weird to date two guys but I thought they were sweet."
"Can you come to the park? Please?"
"Thank you, you know I love you a lot right?"
"I love you babydoll, I'll see you soon."

Just as she hung up the phone I saw Kaleb running up towards me.

Kaleb: "is she there?"

Konrad: "yeah she called this Shyanne chick apparently she's on her way"

Kaleb then walked around the slide to face Kristy.

Kristy's POV•

Why was Kaleb here, what is he doing here, I don't want him here, he didn't want me, go away, go away, go away.

Kristy: "go away."

Kaleb: "baby I promise we never meant to leave you."

Kristy: "nobody was home. I was alone. I was bad and you guys didn't want me anymore"

Kaleb: "Nono baby that's not the case, I was at work and Konrad went shopping for breakfast, we were dumb and made a foolish mistake."

Kristy: "yeah well you're about to get a fuckton of ass whoopin"

I look over Kaleb's shoulder to see my best friend who's normally calm and composed raging with fire. She has never been this mad in front of me before.


I couldn't help but giggle, she's shorter than me, and a lot punier than me. She couldn't even beat me up if she tried, let alone two dudes almost triple her size.

I watch as Kaleb and Konrad surprisingly walk up to her with ease. 

Konrad: "and who might you be little one."

Shyanne: "I'm her fucking best friend and apparently you two assholes are the reason why she called me crying."

Kaleb: "it was a misunderstanding we never meant to hurt her."

Shyanne: "yah well you fucked up dickbreath."

I watched as Konrad swiftly picked up Shyanne and Kaleb span around and grabbed me, both me and Shyanne punching their backs trying to be free from their holds.

We both huff facing each other realizing it was no use.

Shyanne: "where are these two assholes taking us?"

Kristy: "their house I think"

Konrad: "we need to talk at home and with you two throwing a temper tantrum at the park we can't do so."

Eventually we were brought home and both of us shoved into my crib. Grumbling and complaining to eachother about how this wasn't fair.


1028 words

I dedicate this chapter to my annoying BFF for constantly perstering me to write chapters. There you go ya greedy bitch 💕🙄

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