Chapter Four

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•Kristy's POV•

I wake up to white, wait no, a blinding white light is burning my retina. I quickly shielded my eyes before my eyeballs melted on the spot, and I hear a familiar voice

Kaleb: "oh thank fuck you're awake"

Kristy: "w-where *cough* am I?"

Kaleb: "shh rest, you fainted, we brought you to the hospital you're okay now."
Kristy: "What time is it?"

Konrad: "I think you mean day. It's Monday. After you fainted the doctors put you in a minor coma to make sure nothing was wrong with your brain."

Kristy: "Kaleb! You have work!"

Kaleb: "it's okay, I called off to make sure I was here when you woke up. I'll just work extra on Wednesday."

I look around the room and noticed I was wearing a hospital gown, I had a IV in my hand and there was a monitor for my heart rate. As I'm looking around a nurse moves a curtain to the side as she enters my section.

Nurse: "hello Kristy, I just have a few questions to make sure everything is okay, sound good?"

Kristy: "yep!"

Nurse: "scale of 1-10 how bad is your pain, who is the president, and how old are you?"

Kristy: "I'm at a 2, but my hands at a 5, were in Canada so no president but the states have the annoying orange, and I am 18 years old."

Nurse: "ahaha sounds prefect, and with that you're free to leave. If you have any headaches, memory loss, or you faint again make sure to come back here ASAP."

Kaleb: "gotcha doc thank you"

Nurse: "are you her Guardians?"

Kaleb/Konrad: "nope boyfriends."

I looked at them weirdly as they said that in unison, typically only that happens in story's or TV shows. The nurse checks over my vital signs and removed my IV and gave me a princess bandaid for any bleeding, I signed some paperwork and I was free to go.

On the car ride back to their house I asked if I could stop at my place for a change of clothes. To which they agreed. I get inside and I realize my grandma is home.

Kristy: "Oh hey grandma I didn't realize that you weren't working today"

Gma: "oh yeah, got cancelled where ya been the past few days? And what's up with the weird dress?"

Kristy: "ohh I've been staying at a friends place and I wore this as PJs, I actually was wondering if I could stay there for a little longer?"

Gma: "yeah that's fine honey, just message me when you decide to come back home"

Kristy: "thank you grandma! I'm just grabbing some clothes I'll see you soon!"

I grabbed a bunch of my favourite outfits, my pacifier, my stuffies, my bottle, my blankie, and my Vape. I cannot believe I went 2 days without it-probably why I fainted, darn you nicotine addiction. Still never gonna quit tho.

I head back to the car with my over flowing arms of my most prized possessions, and plunked my butt back in the back seat.

Konrad: "so are you moving in or something?"

Kristy: "oh I uh just thought that maybe uh, I can bring some stuff back, I'm sorry for assu-"

Kaleb: "Konrad quit giving her a hard time, she has her own room she can leave some stuff in there if she pleases. It's okay sweet pea don't worry about it"

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