Chapter 5- Shadow

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Feeling the wind slowly blow through your hair, the sounds of the sea peacefully moving and bird chirping. You slowly open your eyes and find yourself back home, back at Patch. You slowly sit up to see that you're at the beach you usually would go to when you were little to be by yourself. 

Y/N: "I'm... home?" you think to yourself as you get up heading up to the small forest that is between the beach and the village. The trees swinging slowly with the wind and leaves rustling at your feet with each step. Suddenly you start hearing the sounds of laughter, foot steps running through the forest as two small figures run past you, one figure playfully chasing the other around. 

Y/N: "S-Sapphie?" you think yourself in shock as you see the small fox faunus run around, the figure in front of her comes clearly into view and you realize that it's you or at least a younger you. You wince and hold your head in pain then look back up to see you're in the emerald forest. Your body slumped against a tree with a giant hole through your chest, you're back to when you died to protect Sapphire from the Death stalker.

???: " Such a sad way to go.." you hear someone say next to you and see "other you" standing there with a sad look in his eyes "When i saw us get impaled.. i thought it was over for us. But something in you didn't want to give up, like a small flame that was holding on" he turns to you and look at you with his F/C eyes "a small flame that kept getting bigger and bigger, until.." Looking over you see the hole in your chest closing up leaving the scar you have on your chest, your eyes the shoot open and you let out a loud gasp "You came back to life" the world then slowly starts fading away back to the black void that is your mind.

Y/N: "Tell me.." you look at "other you" with a look of anger and determination "What are you?" you say as "other you" looks at you in surprise then starts chuckling. His chuckling turns into laughter then he starts laughing like a mad man. As he stops laughing he looks at you with a big grin on his face, almost looking like he was going to rip you in two

Other you: "I don't really know myself, have no memory of how i came to be. But maybe one day we will both find out" tensing up you were going to say something but get stopped by "other you' who walks over, the force of aura flowing off of him is unbelievably strong  "you can call me... Shadow" he says laughing as black tendrils come up from the ground, slowly pulling you into the dark void as you helplessly try fighting back, your sight slowly turns going black.

Suddenly you sit up in your bed back in your dorm room, waking up in a cold sweat while breathing heavily. You slowly calm down and look over seeing the rest of your team still asleep. Sapphire is laying in her bed curled up with her stuffed animal.

Y/N: "Shadow..." you quietly say to yourself as you get up from your bed heading over to your shower to try and relax. Turning the water on you take your clothes off and stand under the flowing water, letting is run down your body as you think about everything Shadow said and the dreams you had of patch and your death. After few minutes you grab your towel and start drying yourself off. you then turn and look into the bathroom mirror, you look at the scar on your chest ... the proof that you somehow got resurrected you think. You then slip your pants back on and step out to see Sapphire standing there waiting.

Y/N: "oh, good morning Sapphie" you say smiling softly as you pat her on the head. 

Sapphire: "Good morning" she says groaning a bit as she wished she could sleep some more. You take a step to the side and let her take the bathroom as you walk over to your dresser taking out your uniform.

You slip on your School uniform and grab your scroll to check the time. Professor Port's lesson wouldn't start for another hour but you felt like its better to be early then late to your first class. you place a small note on your desk with "Left for class early, don't be late" written on it. You then walk out of your dorm room and lock the door behind you as you think to yourself that it might be good to get some coffee.

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