Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

* * Zizi's P.O.V * *

We were going to Niall and Louis's soccer game. After that I was going out with Liam to Derrick's party. I wished I didn't have to go but Liam said it was a football celebration and he really wanted me to go with him. I made my way to the field when Rose called me from behind.

"I hope it doesn't bother you that I am going with Liam to the dance" she said in her fake voice.

"No, not at all" I pretend to be fine. "Anyways he was just being nice. Sorry but I have to keep going."

She kind of seemed mad but I didn't care, I had to be at the game already. I spotted Harry, Zayn, Skyler and Macy in the stands already. I sat next to Zayn, the day was a little chilly and the sunset looked beautiful. I leaned my head on Zayn's shoulder, we just watched the game. Macy and Skyler were cheering out loud, and Harry was on his phone texting.

"Zayn?" I mumbled.

"Mmm..." He leaned his head on my head.

"Nothing" I said.

I just wanted to be next to him and hear his voice like old times. For some kind of reason I felt him far away like if he wasn't the same Zayn I knew. I looked at him, his dark brown eyes looked different. They didn't shine no more, I could hear his loud breathing on my hair. I heard him gulped and cleared his throat. It sounded like if he wanted to cry but instead he kissed me on the head.

"They won!!" Skyler and Macy clapped.

My thoughts were interrupted, when I saw our soccer team celebrating on the field. Louis and Niall ran toward us and kissed their girlfriends. Zayn, Harry and I hugged them, we laughed and cheered. Liam came and congratulated them, it was time for me to go with him. We said goodbye to the others and left. But for the last time I saw sad Zayn, I need to talk to him.

We arrived at the party, the place was already pack. I decided to go to the restroom to freshen up, there was line for the restroom so I had to wait. As I waited, I heard Rose's voice behind me, I decided to ignore her. She seemed to be talking about the dance and kept saying what she was going to wear so she can match with Liam. It was getting on nerves hearing her annoying voice, but I tried controlling myself.

"Oh I didn't know you were coming?" Rose finally pretended to realize that I was standing there the whole time.

"I am here" I pretended to be excited.

"Wait a minute aren't you Liam's girlfriend." Brittany asked, finally noticing me for the first time even though we knew each other back in elementary school. Now she only talked to the popular people in school.

"Yeah that's me" I said proudly.

"Then why are you not going with Liam to Sadies? Or did you think losers couldn't go." She giggled. She was still same slut I have known.

"Oh wait a minute, aren't you Brittany?" I placed my hand on my chin and pretended to think.

"Yeah that's me, the one and only hot Brittany" she said quite confidently.

"Oh yeah didn't your boyfriend Matt cheated on you with that girl Kate" I tried sounding nice.

"Yeah" she said a little bothered that her smile fade away fast. "Sorry but we have to go."

She left angry, I guess she was going to go cry. Rose passed by and gave me a cold stare. I placed my hand on my mouth and pretended to be sorry.

"Don't be so happy because for right now, I got your boyfriend were I want him to be." She scoffed and walked away.

This bitch!! I felt angry now, she better not be talking about stealing Liam or I will kill her. When I was done with the restroom, I went to go look for Liam, who was standing with the football players, but once he moved. I could see Rose was standing next to him. It is alright Zizi just cool down, I said to myself. I heavily sighted and walked toward them. The same as always Derrick offered some beer and Liam took it.

"Do you want a drink?" He asked me. I shook my head, I hated that guy but right now he wasn't my problem, it was Rose. She then leaned next to Liam and intertwined her arm around his. "You know what, I'll have the drink." I took it from his hand. I chugged the drink, Liam looked at me and gave me a half smile.

"Yeah that's the spirit" Derrick clapped. "Liam, your girlfriend is awesome."

"Yeah, she is" Liam looked at me again, I decided to ignore his stare.

I drank a few drinks, I was feeling a little tipsy so I stopped and decided to go dance. I began dancing with the crowd as the DJ played, I was having fun. When I felt a strong pair of arms pulled me from the dance floor.

"Zizi come on" it was Liam.

"Hey there cutie" I giggled.

"I am taking you outside" he held my hand. We both sat on front of the porch, the air was so fresh out here.

"Zizi, are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I am just living the life!" I screamed.

"Shhh Zizi" He placed his finger on my lips. "Tell me when you are ready to go back inside but first get some fresh air."

Was he going to leave me in here all by myself? Why didn't he want me going back inside with him, was he embarrassed of me?

"Why don't we go back in together?" I stood up trying to hold my balance.

Then I felt something coming up, I began to throw up behind a bush. Oh god this felt horrible. He patted me on the back as I sat back down.

"Stay here, okay" he went back inside.

I guess he was going to get some napkins for me. I waited for him, I was getting cold out here since I was only wearing a spaghetti shirt. I stood up and looked from the window. Liam was laughing with the football players. Maybe he forgot? I thought to myself, I was about to go inside when I saw Rose grabbing Liam's hand and leading him to the dance floor. I decided to just leave the party, I walked on the streets, humming to myself. I was feeling down and upset, why did Liam just leave me outside in the cold? I rubbed my hands on my arms, I was beginning to freeze. I passed through the street when I remembered the place. It was where Harry fought. I wanted to see if he was there so I went to go check. Everything seemed quiet, there was no people but I kept walking. I heard music from a room so I opened the door. Harry was shirtless punching and kicking a bag.

"Hey!" I screamed because the music was loud. "Hey!!"

"Oh sorry, I didn't hear you" Harry lowered the music. "What brings you in here?"

"Just came from a party and I got bored." I closed the door behind me. "And it is cold outside. Don't you have a fight?"

"No today is practice" he cleaned his sweat. "Here, you look like you are freezing." He handed me his jacket, and I took it.

"Do you have gum?" I asked him.

"Yeah" he looked through his backpack.

I tried pushing the bag but it was heavy. I playfully punched it and kicked it. It felt good hitting something for right now.

"Take it easy" Harry chuckled, as he handed me the gum. "You smell like alcohol?"

"Yeah and vomit" I chewed the gum.

"You were drinking" Harry looked at me amazed.

"Yeah and don't tell Louis or else I will kick your ass" I laughed.

"Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret" he pretended to lock his lips. "So I am guessing it wasn't a good party"

"Nope not at all" I took off the jacket. "Do you mind if I join you?"

"No be my guest" he said. I just wanted to take my anger out and this was the right place to do it.

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