meeting Thalia

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*Wonder woman POV*

Everybody is looking weird at me because I hugged my brother back. So I look confused at them. The grey eyed female stands up and asks what's wrong. "I just don't get why you're all looking confused at why I'm hugging my brother." I say to the girl. " Well, you're an Amazon. Amazon's hate males just like the hunters do. They've killed a lot of males just for touching them even if it's by accident. They also used to kidnap other woman to be one of them. That's the reason why they were put on that island.(A/N I feel so smart knowing this. Especially since I am a child of Poseidon.) "Well I'm not like all of them. I've never really met a men till WWI. He landed on our island by accident. I was created out of sand by my mother and Zeus. I have a lot of sisters but I've never had a brother before. I am happy to have a younger brother."
She stared at me and after a while she says that her name's Annabeth and that she's Percy's girlfriend. I looked at her and gave her a nod in greeting. I look at the rest they quickly introduce themselves. The elf boy is Leo flaming Valdez, the girl next to him is Calypso. The girl with choppy brown hair is Piper, the boy with black hair and a deathly aura is Nico. The boy next to him is Will and so on (I am lazy okay. I don't won't to write the whole thing ) When the introduction done the door suddenly goes open and Percy gets hit with the dam door.

In comes a girl who reminds me of someone but who?????????????????(*cough*Ares*cough) she yells in Jason's ear that the hunters have arrived. Percy just stood up rubbing his forehead. "You could have just knocked Clarisse and thank you for the ooooh so important information that noboody knew." (Guess who said it~)

Hmmm so her name is Clarisse but who are the hunters if I remember correctly Annabeth mentioned it before. Aren't they like Amazon's? I'll see it soon enough. I look at Leo who's the last person in the room and he leaves so of course I follow cuz I don't know where to go. He Runs to the rest and they walk towards what looks like a schoolbus full of woman and one male( poor Apollo) he seems to be having a couple of bruises. I wonder were they came from? The doors go open and the girls get out the bus. They all look like teens. They were also all armed with arrows, bows and other weaponry. Then a girl with a silver diadem steps out and my brother goes up to her and they hug. It was really quick. Percy and Will seem to be talking to the male in the bus. Will looks a lot like the male maybe there related. I feel like somebody's looking at me so I look at her. It's a girl with beautiful sky blue hair and she seems around ten. I walk towards her and introduce myself. She suddenly smiles and says she's Artemis. I look at her surprised then it hit me. She's a goddess so I directly kneel for her.

She still smiles and tells me that I can rise. I walk to Jason and the hunter. "Hey Diana this is my I mean our sister Thalia. Thalia she's also a child of Zeus and she's an Amazon princes.

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