Chapter 4

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I've given up on write this story...


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Donghyuck was sat in the car, waiting for his cue to get out and start the whole show. It was a familiar scene - red carpet, lots of interviewers lined up, fans cheering for any celebrity they see and paparazzi.

"Mark just arrived a few cars behind you," Donghyuck's manager said.

"Okay," Donghyuck said, playing with the end of one of his dangling earrings.

"It's his job to bump into you so don't worry," Mrs. Lee said.

"I'm not worried," Donghyuck said.

"Just go an-"

"I know what to do!" Donghyuck said, giving his chauffeur a tap, signaling that he should open the door.

Donghyuck wished that he had opened the door himself just so he could slam it. He shook his head and got himself in the mindset of 'Donghyuck, The Celebrity.'

Donghyuck walked the red carpet with a big smile on his face, occasionally stopping for the photographers to take pictures. He was just about done with the photo part of the red carpet when he felt a hand on his arm. He turned around and saw Mark with a smile that he had never seen before.

"Took you long enough," Donghyuck muttered under his breath, with a fake smile.

"Oh sorry, did I keep you waiting?" Mark asked sarcastically, laughing after he said that.

"Was it that hard to find me?" Donghyuck asked, putting his hand on Mark's shoulder and smiling.

"You look like a giant disco ball in this suit," Mark commented, "It was harder not to spot you."

"I'm going to take that as a compliment." Donghyuck brushed off Mark's comment, dropping his hand from Mark's shoulder.

"Mark! Donghyuck! Look here!" The photographers shouted, disrupting their conversation.

Mark put his hand on Donghyuck's waist and pulled him closer to him, smiling for the camera's.

"Listen," Mark muttered under his breath, "I'm going to crash one of your interviews."

"What? Why?" Donghyuck asked, looking at him with surprise.

"Smile, you idiot!" Mark reminded, poking the side of Donghyuck's hip to get his attention.

Donghyuck smiled at the cameras.

"Because it makes the whole friendship thing more real," Mark answered.

Donghyuck was going to ask how that mattered but solved it in his head, "...The faster we sell it, the faster we get out."

"Well, would you look at that," Mark said, looking down at him in awe, "The disco ball has a brain."

Donghyuck fake laughed and hit him on the shoulder hard. "Call me a disco ball again and I'll rip your-"

"Time for interviews!" Mark cut him off and walked away.

Donghyuck sighed, annoyed with the same questions being asked again and again. 'Who are you wearing?', 'Who did you bring as your date?', 'What are your pre-carpet rituals?'

He was sick and tired of the same questions, but he had to go on.

"Look at you!" Donghyuck heard as he approached the last interviewer.

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