18- Shower

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(^The picture above is your height difference to Jin^)
"Well last night was saucy" You laughed half asleep
"Shhh" He laughed back weakly
He slowly moved his soft hand down the side of your face stopping at your lower cheek, sending electric sparks down your body,
"I'm so glad you're in my life" He gripped your face and kissed you
"I'm glad you're in my life too" You replied going to kiss him again
"Aww, look at how cute they are" You heard Hobi whisper
You and Jin stand up and walk over to the bedroom door, he opens it fully and six men fall in and make a pile on the floor by your feet
"What are you guys doing?" You laughed helping them up
"We could ask you the same thing, where's your shirts?" Yoongi scoffed
"Ah" You yelp and jump behind Jin
"Why didn't you say anything" You slapped his bare back lightly
"I guess I've gotten used to seeing you shirtless I don't even see the difference anymore" He faced you and his arms hung loosely around you
"Oh shut up" You laughed
"Ahem" Jimin cleared his throat
"Oh yeah, what did you guys want?" Jin asked turning his head to face them, still holding you 
"We wanted to know if you wanted to come with to the Theme Park" Namjoon spoke up
Once you heard 'Theme Park', you popped out from behind Jin
"OH MY GOD, I LOVE THEME PARKS" You jumped up and down
You then remembered you weren't wearing a shirt,
"Oh poo" You pulled Jin in front of you
"Aww come on" He laughed at you
"Ok, well we'll be leaving you two for now, be ready in 2 or so hours" They left
"Race you to the shower" You ran
"YOU CHEATED" Jin chased you
He caught you and pulled you back into his chest, he stuck his head between your shoulder and head
"Oh, it looks like we'll have to shower together" He whispers in your ear
"Jin, no" You sounded shocked
"Well why not?" He asked
"Umm, because....because I said so" You stuck your tongue out and tried getting out of his arms,
"Hmph, fine, don't be too long or I'll join you" He kissed your cheek and let you go
You smiled at him and ran into the bathroom
"Are you done yet?" Jin asked for the umpteenth time whilst banging on the door
"No, I'm shaving my legs" You shouted back
"You said that 10 minutes ago" He sighed
"Ugh, just give me 10 more minutes, I still have to wash my body, then I'll be done" You giggled quietly knowing you'd take your sweet ass time
There was no reply, instead Jin came barging in with a bottle of body wash in his hand
"JIN, what are you doing?" You panicked and dropped your razor to the shower floor
"Making sure you'll only be 10 minutes or less" He walked toward you
"I'm naked" Your eyes widened
"I know" He smirked, standing right in front of you, only glass between you two, just two steps and he'd be in the shower
You stood their frozen just looking at the tiled shower floor, all of a sudden you see feet next to you, you look up and turn your head to see Jin in the shower beside you,
"Hi" You giggled using your hands and arms to cover your bits
"Hi" He laughed back, also making sure his was covered
"Sooo, we're both naked, in the shower" You stated while he nodded
"Well let's not make this awkward" He dropped the body wash and grabbed your wrists and pulled you closer to him, you breathed in sharply
"Surly I should get done so you can shower" You smiled weirdly, not knowing what to do
"Why are you so nervous Y/n" He asked
"How can I not be, I've never done anything like this before" You laughed and looked down, Oh my was that a mistake, your eyes went straight to contact with it
"I could say the same thing about yours" You looked up and saw him looking at your exposed chest
"What are you looking at?" You asked trying to sound offended
"Well you looked at me so why can't I look at you?" He pulled you closer, your bodies were now touching
"Haha, let's just shower" You laughed awkwardly
He grabbed the body wash and squeezed some in his hand, he then started to rub it on your stomach, you just stood there frozen watching him as his hands made their way up to your chest, once he was complete with applying body wash on you, he rinsed you while his hands skimmed over your body, you then went for the body wash and did the same to him, you washed his chest and gripped onto is arms, you then rinsed him down.
"Get on your knees and face the other way" You said turning him and lightly pushing him down by his shoulders
He did as you said, you then got shampoo and washed his hair, you were playing with it and making funny designs and shapes with it
"This is so funny" You laughed at his hair you messed up
He turned around and pulled you to him (His mouth and your belly button would've been at around the same place as his head is above your belly button),
"What have you done?" He asked trying to look in the shower mirror behind you, he then saw his hair and started laughing,
"Turn around again so I can rinse it" You quickly finished his hair and he stood up
"See, showering together isn't bad is it?" He pulled you closer once again
"I wouldn't object if you suggested it again" You went on your tip toes, indicating a kiss, he leaned down and kissed you, it started off slow but soon turned rough and passionate, he pulled away and looked down at you,
"I love you princess"
"I love you too Jinnie"
"Let's get out and get dressed" He passed you and towel
"Ahh, let's go to the Theme Park" You pulled Jin out of the bathroom into his room
Jin was standing in just his jeans watching you in your bra putting your jeans on,
"Can I wear a jumper please" You pulled a cute face a ran up to him and jumped in his arms
"Of course you can, what colour?" He kissed your nose and put you down
"Hmmm, well if you're wearing purple, I want purple, so we can match" You came next to him
You both put the jumpers on and headed downstairs to where BTS were waiting
"Heyyy" You smiled
No one replied
"What's wrong?" Jin asked looking at Namjoon for an answer, instead
"Next time you guys shower together or whatever, please keep it down, it's hella awkward for us" Yoongi piped up
"WHAT" You screamed "How did they know?" You manoeuvered behind Jin quietly
"We could hear laughing and all sorts so we came up and the your room was empty and then heard you guys taking in the shower so we left" Hobi looked at you both
"Well yes we did shower together but not like that so you guys don't have to be awkward like you heard anything wrong, we were laughing because of what Y/n was doing to my hair" Jin explained
"Ohh" They all let out at the same time
"I guess we should get going then" Jimin stood up first and started walking to the door, you closely behind
"I'm so excited" You hopped foot to foot, you just heard laughter behind you as you reached the car first

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