13- Assembly

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You were seated in assembly next to Mi-Rae and just your luck, you were on the end of the row right next to where Jin and the guys are sitting (yes they're also attending the assembly even though they're not teachers or students)
"Hello everyone, nice to see all your faces here today on this fine afternoon" He stopped for applause, it was dead silent
"Well ok then" He carries on speaking some random mumbo-jumbo for about 45 minutes
"UGH, I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE, MOVE" Ji-Ah and her minions pushed the headteacher away from the front of the assembly hall, he just went and sat down
"We're here to show you all something, believe me you'll want to see this, it's about the latest gossip going around" She looked between you and Jin, who gulped nervously
"As you can tell, we have a new couple, and here they are" She pointed at the blank screen
"You idiots, do I have to do everything myself, just move, move" She pushed them out of the way and brang her PowerPoint up
Your stomach dropped at the image on display for the whole school
"I would like to bring your attention to Mr Kim and Y/n's inappropriate romantic relationship, as you can see in this photo taken today, Y/n is sat on Mr Kim's lap while his hand is on her thigh, and it turns out their friends knew about their relationship and kept their little disgusting secret, here, in the next photo, you can see in Mr Kim's kitchen, Y/n is washing up and Mr Kim is all over her, this was just a couple of days ago-"
Before Ji-Ah could continue, Jin was at the front of assembly grabbing the remote off her and he threw it across the room, all the photos that Ji-Ah captured of your relationship was playing for the whole school on the screen, from Jimin hanging your bra out the window and Jin getting angry, to you two watching KDrama's in Jin's room
"You stalker" You shouted once you were beside Jin
"No, I'm exposing the ugly truth" She spat back
"No, you're a stalker, how else would you know where we live?" Jin shot back
"Ohh so you live together too?" She smirked
"Yes, and so what, something personal happened in my life and Jin was there for me ok, you have no idea about our situation and how anything came about you stupid nosey orange" You started to cry thinking about your parents
"Ok listen up hoe, you've had your fun but now you've made our little sister upset so be prepared to pay"
Yoongi stood tall with BTS behind him and Jin hugging you to calm you down
"If you don't stop this shit, you'll be arrested, this is psychotic, obsessive stalking, I mean how else would you have been able to get all these photos, this is like from the start of their relationship up until now, and you'll also get extra time for bullying and mental and physical abuse toward your fellow students and headteacher, so I suggest you pull your shit together or you're gonna end up with some old perverted stalker men in jail" Namjoon said blatantly
"NO NO NOOOOOO" Ji-Ah screamed running out of the hall
"Jin, I'm so sorry, I should've been more careful" You cried still in his embrace
The hall was completely silent listening to you and Jin
"No, we were at home, how were we supposed to know there was someone spying on us and it was my fault people actually found out, I pulled you onto me earlier in the classroom, don't worry, if our relationship was wrong, we would've heard it from them, especially Namjoon. But they're the most supportive so screw everyone else ok" He kissed your forehead
"I love you Jinnie Oppa"
"I love you too princess" Jin leaned down and kissed you
"Ohh Jinnie Oppa"
"Yes my princess"
The guys were making fun of you two, when the kiss broke, Jin hit them while you laughed, you had all completely forgotten that the whole school was sat their watching
"Jin" You pulled in his sleeve and he turned away from BTS and looked at you
"We forgot about them all being there, that means they saw and heard everything" You pulled on his arm so you could whisper in his ear
"Well shit" He said out loud
"Yes, shit indeed" You laughed
"Nope, I don't like it when you swear, you're too cute to say those words" Jin ruffled your hair
"Heyyy, stop it" You wafted his hand away while he laughed
"Ugh, today was so stressful, I'm glad the headteacher is useless, just imagine what would've happened if he actually gave a fuck" Jin sighed pulling you into his lap once he sat on the sofa
"You shouldn't swear, you're too cute to" You giggled
"Using my own lines again me now" He plopped his head on your shoulder
"Damn you guys are lucky" Jimin laughed while they all sat down
You just spent the rest of the night just talking with each other about random stuff
"Lets snuggle" Jin pulled you close
"Normally I'm the one talking like that" You laughed
Jin pulled you into his arms and switched the light off
"Y/n there's something I need to tell you and promise you won't get angry with me" You tried to move to look at him but he firmly kept you in place
"I threw your school shirts away" He said slightly worried
"What, why?" You asked shocked
"They're too revealing, the buttons pop around your boobs, and why are they cropped?" He sighed
"But they were so soft" You whined
"I know princess, but you look cuter in mine anyway" He smiled weakly at you
"Humph, good night Jin" You scooted out if his arms
Even though you knew he was right and had a fair point to what he was saying, you were still angry because those were your softest shirts
All of a sudden you felt warmth surround you as arms wrapped around your stomach and a head between your head and shoulder
"I love you, sleep well princess" He kissed your shoulder
"I love you too, sleep well Jinnie Oppa" You turned in his arms to face him and pecked his nose
"Goodnight kiss?" He asked scooting up
"Noooooo, let's sleep straight away" You moved back down
"You leave me no choice then" You looked at him confused when he said that
You then felt his fingers tracing all over your body
"YAH, SHUT UP" Yoongi shouted from his room as you two erupted in laughter, both from the tickles and Yoongi
"Come here" He pulled you onto his chest as always and kissed you sincerely
"Wanna watch a movie?" He hugged you
"Noo, I won't be able to get up in the morning if we do" You giggled
"Who said we're getting up in the morning?" He sat up with you on his lap
He then rolled you off so you were facing the TV and you guys watched movies the whole night until 4am
"*yawn* Let's sleep Jinnie" You crawled on him while he switched the TV off
"Dream of my handsome face" Jin kissed your forehead while you giggled tiredly
"Who else would I dream of?" You snuggled into his warmth

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