19- Theme Park

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"I'M SO EXCITED AND SCARED" You squealed when Jin announced you were 10 minutes away
"I'm scared" Jimin and Hobi admitted
"It's ok, you guys have each other, and you have me" Jin spoke to the guys then poked your nose
"Let's get it" Jungkook dragged you with him as he ran ahead of everyone else

You were lining up to go on the ride,"Miss, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to measure your height" A worker pulled you aside with the guys laughing "Sorry miss, you may go back in line" The worker directed you once the measurement stated ...

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You were lining up to go on the ride,
"Miss, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to measure your height" A worker pulled you aside with the guys laughing
"Sorry miss, you may go back in line" The worker directed you once the measurement stated you were tall enough, only just though
"Well that was embarrassing, there's people younger than me getting through fine" You pouted, trying not to laugh
It was finally your turn, everyone was seated in pairs of two, of course you and Jin were together, you tried jumping up to get on the seat... you failed.... multiple times
"Come on, just let me help you" Jin insisted yet again
"No, I already had to get measured, I will get onto this seat by myself" You tried again, your feet dropped back to the ground as you groaned
"That's it" Jin sighed and the next thing you knew, you were in the air then getting strapped in by Jin
"Heyyy, I wanted to get on by myself" You stuck your lip out
"Well it was keeping everyone up and you just looked so cute, I couldn't help myself" He squished your cheeks
"Well thank you, but next time, don't help me" You faced away
"If you saw a puppy trying to get up a step, would you help them or stand and watch?" He asked
"I'd help, duh" You replied without a thought
"Exactly, I just wanted to help" You realised as he said it
"Thank you Jinnie Oppa" You kissed him quickly as the ride started to pull away from the loading point
"AAARRGGGGHHHHHH" Was all the people around you and BTS could hear, you were all secretly and not so secretly petrified, except Jungkook
"That was so traumatic" You breathed out while you, Hobi and Jimin were group-hugging,
"I think we'll skip the rest" Hobi spoke up while you and Jimin nodded
"Same, I feel a little nauseous" Yoongi stated
"I'll stop too then" Jin walked over to you
"No *you waved your hands about* it'll make it an uneven amount of people on the ride and you'll either be alone or screaming with a stranger" You laughed at the thought
Jin, Namjoon, Tae and Kookie decides to only go on a couple more rides
"Ohh, can we get food on the way back Hyung?" Tae ran up to Jin when they got off their last ride
"Yahhh, that's such a good idea" Jin smiled and dragged the three with him to where you and the other guys are
"Food?" He asked
"Food" You all replied with glee
You all sat down after you ordered, shortly after your food came, you struck up a conversation while eating,
"So Jinnie, *you turned to him* what was your parents company?"
"Oh umm, it was a entertainment company, they were signing on big names but they all left and joined other companies once my parents were outed for the pricks they are" He munched on his burgers
"Ohhh, what's happened to it? Like what is it now?" You asked another question
He swallowed before answering,
"It's still an entertainment company and the guys and I run it together" He went to take a bite of his second burger, before it could reach his mouth you grabbed his hand and pouted,
"Why haven't you ever told me?"
"I don't know, it just never came up really and that one time in the kitchen wasn't really an appropriate mood to mention it because of everything that had just happened to you and you were crying and hugging everyone when they walked in" He went on
"Ok, well take me one day" You smiled to Jin, then everyone else
"Ahhh, I've had such a good day" Jin plopped on the sofa in between a sleepy Yoongi and you, who's also sleepy, you don't think he ever got over the fact you and Yoongi fell asleep together on the sofa, when Yoongi was shirtless nonetheless
"Ahh, Hyung, stopppp, shes comfy and your not" Yoongi tried pushing Jin away while he was half asleep,
"It's no use Yoongi, he won't budge" You climbed onto Jin and wrapped your legs around his waist and dug your head into the crook of his neck,
"Awww, I want a girlfriend" Namjoon fawned over you two
"I think she's already asleep" Jin said moving your hair out of your face
"Night guys" Jin said
"Night Hyung" They all replied as he left with you asleep in his arms
When he got to his room, he went to lay you down,
"Nooo, don't let go of me yet" You moaned half-asleep to Jin
"Just let me get dressed quickly" He unwrapped your arms and legs from his body
He was able to take his jeans and shirt off (he did it freely because the bedroom door was closed, the lights were off and it didn't matter too much if you two saw each other) before you complained,
"Jinnie, come here, and bring your shirt" You sat up with your arms out in a grabby motion
He walked over to you in his underwear with a shirt in hand, he quickly took your jeans and shirt off and replaced it with his before climbing into bed next to you, as soon as he did you clasped onto him and pulled him close
"I really love you, so much" You closed your eyes
"I really love you, too much" He kissed your forehead as you drifted off back to sleep
SHORT CHAPTER, SORRY, I have like no ideas.....)::( here's some photos to make up for it 💜

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