Chapter 5 - Friends don't...

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~•~•~ Neo's POV ~•~•~

It's past 8 pm and Pete hasn't returned yet, I sent him a couple of messages but didn't get any reply. I was starting to get worried. Pete was the type who usually says when he's gonna be even just a minute late and now he doesn't even answers.

Is he mad about last night?

He looks fine this morning...

I sat on the couch flicking the remote control switching from one channel to another while my gaze focuses on the front door anxiously waiting for it to open. After an hour of waiting, I pulled my phone again... I was about to pressed call but I stop.

What's wrong with me? He's a grown man. He can take care of himself.

I returned my phone inside my pocket, turned off the tv and decided to take a shower. After showering I laid in bed forcing myself to sleep. I closed my eyes laid flat... twist to left... turned to the right. I can't sleep... Maybe my mind and body weren't tired enough.

Pete's face pops in my head once again... that time when he was staring at me seductively then biting his red lips... I instantly felt a tingling sensation all over my body with just that image of him. Another image of him pops up... We're on the couch with his naked body under mine.

I started to feel heat accumulating inside of my body... I bit my lips and clench my hand to the sheets fighting my urge to touch myself.

I got off the bed, made a few necks, arms and legs stretch then started to do some sit-ups.





I laid flat on the floor. I can feel my heart beating fast but I can sense my body isn't tired enough. So I decided to do some push-ups.




A few more...



I plunge to the floor this time feeling exhausted. I closed my eyes face flat on the floor as I continue to catch my breath. I was ready to stay still and just sleep on the floor but after my heartbeat and breathing returned to normal, I slowly open my eyes again and groaned.

Just like last night... after the incident, I can't sleep. My mind, it keeps on wandering around... constantly thinking about him. Pete has this effect on me... something that I've never felt towards another person before. I have no idea why every time our lips touch I always lose control. It's like I'm constantly intoxicated by his lips.... I acknowledged to myself that I'm physically attracted to him but I wished for it to just remained that way. I don't want it to develop to something more... to something deep.

When Pete said he loves me... I got scared. Pete's a nice and sweet guy and I don't want to hurt him. I know I'm not gonna stay long and besides, relationships and love are not my things. Pete should find someone who fits him.

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