Face to face.

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Everyone was there. Everyone was in that cozy cave hidden behind the powerful water current of the great waterfall. From clan members whose names no one mentioned long time ago because no one was really sure to remember which their name were, to the respected leader and his self-proclaimed fiancee. In fact. These two were in the center sitting face to face.

Everybody was silent impatiently waiting for the moment both of them stop to act like they were doing, in other words, they were waiting for she to stop fixing the gigantic flower crown that decorated her head, and for him to control the expression in his red face and to start to talk once and for all.

Then, in the precise time the wolf's lips were parting to let a word with meaning out...

"Eh... Kōga, maybe you would like to take a breath outside for a while." The young werewolf's voice that just stepped inside brutally cutter the moment. A general growl from the tribe members was the immediate answer.... This was taking too long and the truth was everyone was desperately hungry.

The furious look that the girl threw at  him was what made him react at the end. With a grin he mumbled to the boy: "Is it too hard for you to understand the situation? Right now it's not the time to go to hunt, Mio, stop acting like an idiot."

"You're the one who don't understand... Outside... There's a little problem maybe you want to take care of right now." Even if the boy was risking the woman next to him decided to tear his head off, he knew pretty well that if he didn't do this the one who would end torturing him will be his leader. Even though, when he looked at the girl he was not sure what was worst.

"Speak now! What on Earth could be so important?!" The woman dressed in white fur raised her voice. Deeply offended.

The echo of her words had not completely disappeared when the instincts of every wolf and every werewolf made them react. Everyone stepping back from the center surprised saw how their muscular friend (who was the only guarding the entrance moments ago) soundly landed on the wet ground. He was thrown through the current of water for someone!... Or something.

Then the senses of all those present went to the waterfall. Kōga, taking an alerted posture, took a step in front and with his hand asked the others to keep calm whilst some well known claws appeared on it, the ancestral weapon that the leader possessed.

The attacked werewolf was just getting over the terrible blow he had received and was trying to sit up. But nobody was capable to make a single question because in that moment a beast was pouncing on him. The enormous paw of the biggest wolf than anyone of them had saw (and well! They do know many of those wild beasts) landed on the chest of the victim. Only the blue Iris of its eyes and its great fangs could be seen between his black fur. The criature was fiercely growling to their terrified comrade.

Nobody was sure who did it, but one of the tribe members couldn't stan the scene anymore and did the bravest things in his life... He pushed the back of his perplexed leader with both of his hands who after staggering took a step forward recovering his courage and recomposing his expression. Then everyone knew he was ready to start his threats directed to their enemy, they were save! Kōga will fight!

Nevertheless, before they could admired the exploits of the young wolf a thrift figure passed through the waterfall. This time was a criature that walked on its two legs. They couldn't see it well against the light but they were sure about a thing... it was hooded and it was... small. Every wolf mentally took the decision that when the fight started they would fight the (not so scaring) newcomer.

"That's enough, Yato." A female voice filled the place. The black silhouette was clearer as the young girl came close to the great animal's fangs that hearing her stopped its growls. She squatted next to the muscled man that was still on the ground, she put back the hood revealing her face and a short dark brown hair. "I'm sure that from now on he will think it twice before making mating offers to females, isn't it?"

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