Helping Hand

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(Y/n) POV

I walked into Class 1-A and saw 2 people seated so far and one person sleeping. I did what a normal person would do and sat in the back of class, the boy with red spikey hair turned around and looked at me with a soft smile and waved. I gave a timid smile back and waved softly not knowing how to react to someone like him yet.

He stood up and walked back towards me and sat in the seat to my left "hey, you're the new kid right?" He asked

"... Um.. Y-yeah." I stuttered softly almost like I didn't like talking in general

"Sweet! My name's Kirishima Eijirou, you can call me Kirishima. what's yours?" He said happily making me smile in return

"Nice to meet you, Kirishima. I'm (y/n) (l/n)... I'd prefer to be addressed as (y/n).." I said softly with a smile

He nodded and smiled more "I like that name! So where are you from?" He asked

"Um.. Closer to Tokyo.. About 3 miles from here." I said

"You don't walk do you?" Kirishima asked with a bit of worry in his voice

"I do actually.. I didn't today only because I'm far to tired, but I usually walk 3 miles from my old school.." I said calmly

"Why would you walk that far just for school?" Kirishima asked

"I don't know... My dad wants me to walk to school, he doesn't have time to drop me off himself, he gets me up waits until I finish doing what I need to do, we walk out together and talk for a bit then we go out separate ways for the day. I get home after 7:30 and he doesn't get back until 9 so I have about an hour and a half alone then when he gets home we eat and go to bed.. The process repeats until the weekend." I explained

"What do you guys do on the weekend?" Kirishima asked

"Play video games for an hour because that's what I like doing then we go do what he wants and it alternates between us.. Until about 2 in the afternoon.. He leaves for work and I'm alone, but at least he still hangs out with me." I said with a smile

"That's cool! What's your dad's name? if you don't mind me asking." Kirishima asked

"Oh.. Uh.. I don't feel too comfortable saying, mainly because I don't want fake people around me.. Like fake friends, that happened a lot at my old school and I ended up getting depressed, thankfully it was near the end of last year, I'm a lot better now knowing no one else could get into this school from that old shit show." I said

"Oh, that makes sense, fake friends suck." He said

"Yeah.. But, I will say this... He is a Pro-Hero." I said with a slight smile "nothing more after." I added he smiled and nodded.

"That's awesome! I'm not treating you any different.." Kirishima said then gasped "its not All Might is it?" He said getting sort of excited.

"No." I said calmly

"alright, I know you're not Endeavor's daughter.. Hmm.. Now I'm trying to think." Kirishima said

"Let's not worry about it now, I'll tell you when I feel its safe for you to know." I said softly

"Alright... Well, what are you doing after school?" Kirishima asked

"Nothing too important, just getting groceries then probably heading home." I said "Why?" I added

"Because I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with me and some of my friends." Kirishima said

"Hmm.. What are you guys doing to be doing?" I asked

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