Camp Attack

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(Y/n) POV

It's been 2 weeks, dad still isn't home yet... We're at camp and Kiri failed his exam. Meaning while we trained he has to study, which sucks.. But it is what it is.

We've been training and going through all sorts of exercises that I've gone through before, but this time they're harder, way more challenging! Bakugou struggled to keep up sometimes. It's now 7:45 pm, the sun is setting and we were eating now.

"Hey, (y/n).. You said your dad is a pro hero, right?" Kaminari asked

"Yeah.. Why?" I answered

"Well, have you done training like this before?" He asked

"Yeah.. But this one is by far the hardest thing I've ever done." I said calmly

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" Kaminari asked in shock

"Yeah, I've done something like this 3 times.. Well now 4, but this one is the toughest and I think that's my fault. So I'm sorry." I said softly then took a bite of my food.

"Why are you sorry? You have nothing to apologize for." Momo said sweetly

"I'm saying sorry because I don't know if it's my fault for having this year's training camp so tough." I said calmly

"Even if it is your fault, you're making us live up to a higher standard, testing our limits without even knowing about it before hand. Honestly, you shouldn't be sorry. You're making us better heroes in the end." Bakugou stated sternly but at the same time with a calm demeanor.

"Whoa, who knew (y/n) would be looking in the future." Kaminari said

"Yeah, it kinda sucks that we can't participate this year though." Kirishima said calmly

"Yeah, but that's alright. Next year I'll help you study.. But don't expect me to go easy on you either." I said

"Is it better than Bakugou's?" Kirishima asked teasingly which only made him growl

"Depends. Mine was from government officials.." I said calmly which made everyone jolt in shock

"Why government officials?" Bakugou asked

"I needed to learn as well as stay in shape, the reason why I needed to learn is because I failed my exams in my second year of middle school. So my dad asked a military general to teach me what I failed. Since he was good at it he said yes, and I had to answer any question he gave me, if I got it wrong I'd go through a military training course.. From climbing, to pull ups, to push ups, to sit ups, to running extra.. If I got it right I had to write it down on a full page in a notebook. He said 'we'll do 4 rounds, then you get a 10 minute break. If you complain at any point in time your break time goes down.' So it's rough and I'll tell what, I never failed again! Ever since then I've had A's and B's and I very rarely get down to a C." I said calmly

"That sounds awful." Kirishima said with a slightly worried expression.

"That explains how we were in a draw in the sports festival... Being put through brutal training like that you're going to be the best of the best.." Bakugou said

"Heh, yeah. On top of that I also learned some dirty tricks from fighting with other heroes for training purposes... Now I'm trying to train with Kirishima, but he thinks I can't handle it." I said

"Not true! I know you can handle it! It's just I don't want to accidentally hurt you.. If I hurt you so bad to the point where you couldn't do anything in return I'd never forgive myself and I'd never be able to call myself a man." Kirishima explained

"Y'know, worrying about simple things like that is going to kill you one day. Villains don't play fair, they don't care whether you're a man or a boy, they'll hurt you, beat you, kill you if they have to.. I say this not to scare you, but to help you." I stated

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