Dinner Boy

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(Y/n) POV

I sat at the table quietly as the butler started handing out drinks for us, I refused to drink or eat anything handed to me. Thankfully I sat next to his younger sister who also hated him. "You don't like him do you?" She asked

"Not one bit..." I said as I crossed my arms and slouched "wanna make a quick 10 bucks?" I asked which caught her attention.

"Hell yeah." She said with a smile

"Language, Miss. Ramiro." The butler said sternly as my father looked at me with a stern look, I rolled my eyes and kept talking to his sister Asahi.

I went into a whisper and started saying the plan. "I want you to throw food at your brother from your fork and just before he sees you do it quickly start eating again."

"(Y/n), do you have something to share with the rest of the table?" My dad asked out loud making everyone look at me.

"I have a few things I'd like to share, all being not nice. You raised me to believe that if I have nothing nice to say then don't say it at all and that's what I stand by, but that doesn't stop me from talking about it with another person."  I explained

"Well then why wouldn't you share it?" Dinnerboy asked making me roll my eyes

"Alright, fine.. I want to go home, I don't want to be here. I hate it here, I'm not having fun.. So I asked your sister if she wanted a quick 10 bucks, she said yeah, so I told her to throw her food at you.. Plane and simple.." I explained

"(Y/n)!" Dad yelled at me with anger

"What? It's not like you haven't had a food fight before... I'm a teenager not a barbie doll, so let me have my fun." I said

"I've never had a food fight." Dad said

"Yes, you have! Present Mic told me all sorts of stories with you starting the food fights freshman year in UA!" I exclaimed

"I never started the fights, Akaguro did." Dad said

"Who is that?" I asked

"I'll explain later.. Anyway, eat your food.." Dad said

"I'm not hungry, I don't want it.. I want to go home." I stated

"Not until that food is off your plate." Dad said, I grabbed the plates edge and threw it over my head only making the food fly off, I made sure I kept the plate in my hands so it wouldn't break making dad angry enough to stand up. "(Y/n), (l/n)!!"

"What!? I. Do. Not. Want. To. Be. Here!!! Remember what Kiri said about 4 hours ago? Your quote!! 'Never force a woman to do something they don't want to do.. Especially a young woman.' That's exactly what you said.. I didn't want to come here, you just asked me try it out, so I did.. I'm not having fun so, I wanna go home.. I want to sleep and forget this half of the night ever happened." I stated sternly as I stood up in return

"Sit down." Dad said

"Take me home." I said

"(Y/n), sit down." He said sternly making me sigh and take a seat.

"There... I sat.. Now let's go, the food is off my plate, let's go." I said as tears started swelling up in my eyes making my dad realize what was just said making him sigh.

"Thank you for the food, come on (y/n)... Let's go.." He said as I stood up and walked out quickly and to the doors. "(Y/n), I'm sorry." Dad said softly

"I don't care.. Leave me alone." I said as I got into the car and put my headphones on and started listening to music as I wiped my tears away.

Dad got into the car and Rina started driving home. Once we got home Dad turned around to look at me as I looked back at him with anger and sadness mixed with my gaze."(Y/n), I want you to know I'm sorry, I understand that I forced you into something that-" I interrupted dad as I stepped outside of the car and slammed the door shut and walked inside to my room ignoring my stomach's cry for food. I changed into a nightgown, locked my door and let my music take over the night.

Rina POV

"She's not happy with you.. What did you do?" I asked

"I forced her into something she didn't want to do, which went against what I said about 5 years ago.. Kirishima quoted me earlier on it and now she's using my words against me." Crimson Riot explained

"Well, maybe Kirishima motivated her to tell you off... You can't control her life forever, I understand she's your daughter, well.. Adoptive daughter, but you can't always protect her and tell her what she can and can't do." I said softly

"You too, huh?" Crimson Riot said

"Huh? No I'm not trying to tell you that you're in the wrong I'm just saying that-" I was cut off

"I understand... She's 15, she has to grow up at some point in time and if I'm always protecting her and telling her what to do then she won't know what to do once she's on her own. " He said as he got out of the car and went inside, I turned the car off and did the same.

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