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Kirishima POV

I walked into the classroom to see (y/n) with her head down on the table. 'Maybe she's tired' I thought to myself
"Hey (y/n)" I said with a smile as I sat in front of her since it was our assigned seats. She looked at me as if she were angry which shocked me "hey, what's wrong?" I asked with sorry in my voice.

I watched as her relaxed hands turned into fists on the table "My dad.. " was all she said

"Huh? That's all I'm getting?" I asked with a slight pout making her lighten her anger

"Once we got to dinner boy's house i started getting angry, so I asked dinner boy's sister if she wanted to make a quick 10$, she said yeah.. But the way she said it caused attention so I never really gave her anything.. My dad asked me if I had anything to share with the entire table and I told him I had a lot to share, all of it not nice so I went with the old saying 'if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all.' But that doesn't stop me from talking to other people about it. And one thing led to another and I told him I wanted to go home, he told me I wasn't allowed to leave until the plate was empty so I threw the food on the floor behind me because I didn't want to eat any of the food there.. And he yelled at me, eventually I broke in both anger and sadness and I cried.. He must've realized what he did and tried apologizing and told me it was time to leave and we did.. I told him to leave me alone and I haven't talked to him since yesterday.. I'm mad at him and I'm frustrated that he wouldn't listen to me." She explained while she was trying to not yell at me, I did nothing wrong so she shouldn't yell at me, but thankfully she never snapped.

"He realized what he did wrong though, I'm gonna be honest, sometimes girls are difficult to understand. Us guys aren't so in tune with what a girl truly wants, that's why I kept asking you if you were sure with the things you wanted to do incase you would change your mind before the next game... That's probably what he thought until you started crying." I explained calmly

"I act more like a guy than what I do a girl, unless it's a monthly activity with Rina... You have an excuse because yesterday was our first time seeing each other and hanging out after school. I understand why you did what you did, but my own father should know how his own daughter acts." She explained softly but still had a bitter taste to it.

"Well, I guess so.. But he also doesn't have a significant other to help him with you.. Not saying that you're a handful! I'm just saying that you're the only child he's ever had and he doesn't have help whenever you're angry or sad.. Y'know.. He doesn't really have a woman to understand why you're feeling the way you feel..." I said trying not to make her angry "I'm sorry if that made you even more angry." I said as I rubbed the back of my neck making her smile.

"You're a dork, but I guess that's understandable... Rina's there though.. She's like my mom, even if I don't really have one she's the closest thing to it... But I guess I understand where you're coming from." She said as her smile grew a bit more

"Good! Now please don't be angry anymore.. I hate seeing you upset, I want you to always be like how you were last night when we were together... Y'know.. Happy!" I said with a bright smile "well, I mean sometimes its okay to be down in the dumps, because its impossible to always be happy, but I want to see it the majority of the time." I added

"I'll do my best." She said with a chuckle

"That's all I ask" I said with a chuckle as Kaminari ran into the classroom laughing as Mineta was chasing him.

"Get back here!! Those pictures are sacred!!" Mineta yelled, (y/n) looked at them in confusion and watched them wherever they ran, eventually Kaminari ran behind Aizawa's desk in the front of the room everywhere Mineta went Kaminari went the opposite way, eventually Mineta quickly ran around and dove towards him, Kaminari jumped onto the desk and jumped off quickly running over to (y/n).

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