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King in the mm^^^^

It's been two months since Elijah promised he would change. And to my surprise he has he hasn't put his hands on me not once. We had maybe two arguments but they were small. He been staying out a lot and I know he has business to take care of but it's been constant lately and I don't like it. If I didn't know any better I'd say he cheating on me. But I don't have any proof and I don't want to accuse him of anything so I just don't say nothing.

Tonight is the third night this week he stayed out. I called him several times he just Let's it ring or send me to voicemail then have the nerve to text me back. When I text him back he just reads it and ignores it. He says he busy but I mean who really selling drugs this late it's 3 in the morning. I can't sleep and I have to work in the morning at the hospital this is ridiculous.

I tried calling him one more time before I have to force myself to sleep he finally answers.

"Elijah why aren't you home yet it's really late I've been calling you all damn night basically. What the hell is up?" All I hear is loud music and people talking.

"Nyla calm down I'm out right now I'll be home by 5."

"Are you fucking kidding me right now Elijah. You know what I don't even care don't even come home." I just hung up because I'm not about to sit there and argue with him. I don't have the energy right now I'm tired but I can't sleep. Now I have to force myself asleep so I can get some kind of rest before work tomorrow.

I had finally feel asleep and I heard the door slam. It scared me so I jumped out my sleep. I know Elijah is probably drunk off his ass right now and he is going to get on my nerves. I just lay back down and turn my back towards the door hoping he sees I'm sleep and don't come bother me.

"Fuck" I heard him say it sound like he hit something the whole house is dark and his dumbass is drunk. I heard him stumble down the hall way towards the room. "Baby get up I want you." I closed my eyes and pretend I was sleep since he woke me up already. "Nyla" he slurred. I turned around and cut the lamp on by the bed.

"Elijah are you out of you mind coming in here this fucking late drunk is hell. And then your trying to wake me up knowing I have to be up by 7 to be at work on time."

"Damn your pretty baby." He started undressing he ass better be going to sleep.

"Elijah this is not a joke."

"Nyla I'm not joking your really pretty baby." He came and laid in the bed with me he laid his head on my chest while wrapping his arms around my waist. "I love you Nyla please don't be mad at me baby I just wanted to have fun with the guys."

"Just go to sleep Elijah."

"I can't baby, I was thinking today we been together a long time. I want to marry you and make you my wife and have our three kids running around." All I could smell was liquor on his breath. "Nyla would you marry me if I asked you?" That's a good question but why the hell is he thinking about this at 5 something in the morning."

"Yes babe just not tonight. Now go to sleep baby I have to get up early to work."

"You don't need to work I have plenty of money to take care of us. I hate that you work when you have my kids your quitting and not working again." This was my first time ever hearing him say this.

"Alright Elijah baby I hear but please just go to sleep."

"I can't baby I'm to drunk."

"Yeah I know. Why you drink so much?"

"I don't know just have a lot on my mind."

"You want to talk about it?" Hopefully since he drunk he will tell me what's on his mind.

"I just feel bad for everything I put you through your so perfect and good to me but I couldn't see that. I treat you like shit and honestly I don't know why? I want to marry you but I'm scared your going to say no and I can't handle that rejection. I wish our baby was here I wish I never did that to you. Things just haven't been good between us but I plan on making them better."

"As long as you change and don't go back down that path if anger I'm here to stay baby. The past is the past we can't change it now but what we can do is make the future better for us. Right now we are working on bettering out relationship and getting back into a healthy and better place. Lately you been doing really good and I'm proud of you I really am."

"Your so beautiful I hope our daughter looks like you if we have one." I giggled a bit.

"Baby go to sleep that's enough talking for tonight." He wrapped his arms around me a little tighter within seconds he was snoring. I was wide awake now I'll just be tired at work I slept pretty long today anyway.

I rubbed his head thinking about how the fuck he became so angry. I want to know what happened he did a complete 360 or is this who he originally is. Was he just showing me what I wanted to see or did something happen. He has good parents I don't know how the hell he became a king pin. He is total opposite from his family his mom is a doctor and his father owns a car dealership. How he started selling drugs I don't know. We met in college but he dropped out I kept going to get my nursing degree. Now I'm a registered nurse but for him he is a drug lord here in New York.

The next morning I carefully got out the bed Elijah was still laying on me knocked out. He still smell like liquor he must of drunk a lot. But now I have to shower and do my morning hygiene before work. A hour later I was all done and getting dress I put on my pink scrubs and white sneakers. I put my hair in a slick back bun with some baby hairs I did my makeup not to much just something simple. I kissed Elijah before heading out the door to work this 12 hour shift.

I hopped in my all black Mercedes Benz truck that Elijah gifted me on my birthday last year. No matter what we been through he gives great gifts all the time. I drove off heading to work I was dreading this day I'm tired already and I didn't even start work yet. I pulled into the Dunkin Donuts the drive through was packed so I decided to go inside.

"Hey can I order a large hot coffee with sugar and creamer and a glaze donut please." I ordered and paid for my stuff I didn't even know anyone was behind me. I grabbed my stuff and turned right around bumping into someone and spilling my hot ass coffee on me and him.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't know you was behind me I'm so sorry."

"It's okay lil momma I shouldn't of been so close." His voice sent me into a trance he was so god damn fine like my goodness.

"I'm really sorry I ruined your shirt and everything. What can I do so you won't be upset?"

"Nothing it's okay I'm not mad your fine is just clothes."

"That's a Gucci sweatsuit the sweater alone cost about 2,000.00 dollars."

"So I have plenty of money." I rolled my eyes men are so damn stubborn it's coffee all over him I only live 10 minutes away I can go change.

"Can I at least by you breakfast?"

"You know you don't take no for an answer. What you can do for me is give me your number that's all I want."

"Oh I can't do that my man will kill me literally and I love my life." We both laughed but I was serious Elijah will literally kill me.

"Okay well I'll see you around then. Just talking to you was good enough." He looked at me so intensely I shouldn't be having the thoughts I'm having.

"Wait what's your name?"

"Everyone calms me King. What's yours?"

"Nyla." He walked out I ordered me another coffee and I ordered one for Elijah as well since I have to go home and get changed.

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