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"Elijah your hurting me." He squeezed it tighter it felt like he was about to break my damn bones.

"Do it look like I give a fuck Nyla. You fucking left me and the next thing I see is you with a fucking nigga." He pushed me into the car my back hit the door. I was rubbing my arm it hurt so bad I could see the bruise already forming.

"Elijah please your scaring me." Tears rolled down my check I couldn't stop them they was flowing like a river.

"Give me your keys I'm driving. Get in the car now."


"NOW NYLA BEFORE I BREAK YOUR FUCKING FACE!" He yelled I jumped from the tone of his voice. He opened the door and I got in the car praying that I make it through whatever he was about to put me through.

Elijah was scaring me because he was quiet the whole way home and when he is quiet that's not good at all. I was thinking of anything to say or do to stop me from getting my ass beat. Why did I have to come out of my hotel room I knew it was a bad idea. I knew in should of told King no I had a bad feeling and I should of listen to it. Now I'm sitting her scared out of my mind.

"He was just a friend I swear Elijah I would never cheat on you. Please don't hurt me I just needed space. I-"


"Elijah please I'm sorry for leaving but I-" he stopped the car in the middle of the road not caring that there was cars behind us. He grabbed a fist full of my hair and yanked me towards him so hard I thought he was going to break my neck.

"I said shut the fuck up the next time something comes out your mouth you will regret it do you understand." I was to scared to speak I just nodded my head yes. "You will learn that I'm not playing with you Nyla. You think you can just up and leave me. Have you lost your damn mind. The next time you even think about leaving me I will kill you." He roughly let my head go and drove off.

He never threatened to kill me before so I know he serious as hell right now. The rest of the way home was silent no radio playing neither one of us talking. As we got closer to the house I was getting more scared I have no idea what Elijah is going to do with me. When we pulled up to the house I swear I felt sick I felt dizzy and felt like I was about to throw up that's how scared I was right now I could barely breathe. He put the car in park and locked the doors he squeezed the steering wheel so hard I thought he was going to pull it off. I watched his every move I couldn't read him at all. Usually Elijah yells and I can see him angry but he's way to calm I think he might actually kill me.

"Tell me why you left?" I jumped I wasn't expecting him to talk I was so focused on his hands.

"I-I um I needed" I was to out of it to talk I was focused on his hands hoping he don't lift them to hit me.

"Nyla fucking speak I'm so fucking furious right now I swear if you don't answer me I will fuck you up so bad."

"You scaring me I'm scared Elijah I'm to scared to talk."

"NYLA TELL ME WHY YOU LEFT! because if we go in this house without you answering my question your going to be in the hospital permanently."

"I just needed some space Elijah I swear I was coming back. I just wanted and needed time to think after our fight I didn't know what to do. Elijah please don't hurt me." I cried out I honestly never been this scared as I am right now.

"Nyla go in the house I'll be back later because truthfully if I go in there with you I might kill you." I was shocked by his words. "Let me tell you this if you not there when I get back when I do find you it will be the worst day of your life."

"I understand." I got out the car slowly and went inside the house I peeked out the window Elijah was still there sitting in the car. My heart was still beating fast to the point I thought it was coming out my chest. I know what y'all thinking that I should leave but I'm not about to play with Elijah. He is dangerous and I already fucked up with him. Right now would not be the time to play with him. I will keep my ass in this house. I needed to lay down for a bit my nerves were everywhere I just needed some rest.

I swear Nyla walking on thin ice right now. She fucking leave me I had no clue where she was at and then she pops up and I see her eating with another nigga. Hell no I don't even know why she thought that was okay. She know I don't even play with her like that I don't care if they are friends. And the last time I checked she didn't have no friends. I swear she lucky I didn't beat her fucking ass because the way I'm feeling I can easily kill her. As angry as I am I'm scared for her because I know what I'm capable of and if I would of went in that house with her I would be planning her funeral. But I'm not going to let her off so easy I did give her time to herself though. I went out to one of my clubs I needed a drink or ten. I wanted to be drunk because surprisingly I'm more violent when I'm sober when I'm drunk I'm less violent. And I love Nyla I don't want to kill her by accident I don't even want to put my hands on her because we was doing so good. But her up and leaving that shit can never happen again ever and she will learn that.

It was about 1 in the morning when I pulled up to the house. And I swear Nyla better be in this house in our bedroom sleep because if she ran off again. She wants to die I done warned her too many times already. I got out the car heading inside the house. I thought Nyla would at least be sleep but to my surprise she in the kitchen cooking something.

"Why aren't you sleep?" I guess she didn't hear me come in the house because she jumped I must of scared her.

"Shit you scared me." She held her chest. " I couldn't sleep and I was hungry. Are you hungry I made some for you too." She made breakfast scrambled eggs, bacon and waffles.

"Yeah I'll take some." I walked all the way into the kitchen and sat at the table. I watched her make both of our plates she sat mines down and then hers she got us bottles of water and sat down. We both just ate our food until Nyla decided to talk.


"Yes Nyla."

"I'm pregnant."

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