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"Elijah? Tina?" I whipped my head around so got damn fast I had fucking whip lash. I got to be seeing shit because I know these two mother fuckers are not arguing in this mall. I started walking towards them but King pull me back.

"Nyla your doctor just said to stay calm because your stress levels were high." I snatched out of his grip I was fuming I was pissed.

"So this is why you couldn't be with me today at my appointment? Is she the fucking reason why you been missing out on my fucking baby?" Elijah looked like a deer caught in head lights. "Answer me right now Elijah!"

"Baby let me explain" Elijah said trying to grab me hand. If he thought he was going to be able to talk his self out of this he a mother fucking lie.

"No fuck that we been together almost five fucking years and in those five years you've done nothing but hurt me. It's so much you've done to me I can't even find where to start. I'm your fucking fiancé that's pregnant with a baby you begged for. And you push me to the side for this bitch the same bitch that fucked us up to begin with. You treat me like shit because of her. You fucking cheated on me again after I've done gave you chance after chance but after today we are fucking done." I took off my ring and threw it at him fuck him and that ring. I'm tired of giving him chances that he doesn't deserve I deserve to be happy I'm tired of not being happy.

"Nyla listen it's not like that."

"What you mean it's not like that Elijah. Huh I can't take no more nothing you do or say will make me forgive you ever again. There is no more us. Let me ask you this is she pregnant with your baby.?" Neither one of them answered which gave me my answer.

"I'm sorry Nyla." This bitch Tina has the nerve to say she sorry like if she really sorry.

"Bitch you ain't sorry because if you really were you wouldn't be pregnant by him. You would of never slept with him from the beginning. But no Tina had to be a hoe and fuck what ever nigga gave her attention and unfortunately it was my dumbass nigga."

"Nyla come on let me explain." I don't even know why Elijah really trying to explain his self.

"Elijah there is nothing for you to explain to me besides you cheating again and you getting this bitch pregnant. How could you really do this to me to me Elijah I've done nothing but love you. I gave you my all I went above and beyond for you no matter what you done to me. I stayed with you after the abuse and after you killed my first baby." I stopped because now tears were starting to come down. "I stayed after you killed our baby I stayed after you cheated I stayed after you nearly killed me twice. You don't know how to love anyone but yourself. I hate you I'm so mad I wasted my life on you." I wiped my eyes and walked away but turned around to say one more thing. "Oh yeah we're having a boy congratulations." I threw the sonogram picture at him. I sped walk as fast as I was able to I walked passed King I was so hurt and mad all in one. Elijah has broken my heart till no return. I walked all the way to King car and waited for him him and Princess came walking towards me a couple minutes later. He unlocked the car I got in and didn't say a word I was just quiet. The whole way to his house I was quiet.

My thoughts clouded my mind I couldn't believe he got another girl pregnant. That hurt hit different I didn't expect this from him I really didn't. For the last four months he didn't come to none of me baby appointments because he was to busy going to hers. I thought once we got engaged that he would change little did I know he was still the same. He ruined my fucking life he done so much fucked up as shit to me I don't ever think I will be able to love properly again.

Thirty minutes later we pulled up to King mom house I guess he wanted to drop Princess back off here. I was so zoned out I didn't even noticed he brought her in the house and he was coming back getting into the car. I honestly didn't know what I was going to do at this point because everything I knew was Elijah. I hate him so freaking much I can't even explain I hope he gets hit by a fucking bus. I hope Tina makes his life a living hell he don't deserve any happiness. He took everything away from me I have nothing or no one.

"Nyla I know you don't want to talk about it now but when we get home we can talk if you want. You don't need to keep your feelings bottled in. I took Princess back to my mom because I figure you needed some time to yourself. But I'm here for you for anything don't hesitate to ask. I'm going to drop you off just go upstairs and rest because I'm pretty sure your stress levels are really high right now. I need to handle some business but I'll be back in a few hours." I just nodded my head I couldn't even find words to speak. It's like my brain couldn't do anything right now it's like everything shut down.

King took me to his house and I just went inside I barely waited for the car to fully stop. I just needed to be by myself I needed time. Time to think clearly I was hurt and angry I could kill Elijah I just can't understand how you give someone your all and they just take it and suck you dry without returning anything. How could be I actually thought we was getting some where especially after he proposed. Then I got pregnant and he was really happy I actually thought we was doing good. I guess the joke is on me. Tina looked as far as long as I was we probably only a few weeks apart. And o thought he was done with her. Little did I know he was sleeping with her behind my back this whole time probably. He didn't even think I was ever going to find out probably.

I don't think Elijah actually uses his brain he so fucking dumb. Like it's bad enough he cheated on me but she had to be my best friend and then still go behind my back and still sleep with her and get her pregnant. The hurt gets no worst than this how can he come home every night knowing he still cheating and doing me wrong and he comes home and act like nothing happen. He didn't even feel guilty at all he just sits and laugh and smile in my face knowing he got all this secrets. I feel so stupid I feel so dumb I feel like he used me until he couldn't no more. He probably never loved me he was so controlling all he ever wanted to do was control me.

He broke me down making me feel useless making me feel so low. He messed with my fucking head I wish I never met him I should of listen when everyone told me to leave him. But no I was so in love I thought he loved me back. I guess I was wrong I actually have something going fo myself I'm not in drama. I have class I'm respectful not ratchet. I never cheated on him I had my own money I never needed his at all. I'm not a hoe I don't get passed around I thought I was doing everything right. I guess I was doing everything right for the wrong guy. Sad to say Elijah will not see me or this baby if I have it my way. I have plenty of money saved up I don't ever want to see him again.

I know that sounds really bad but if he wanted us to be a family then he should of been truthful and not doing all this fucked up as shit. I'm sad but at the same time I feel free in a way. Elijah has my mental all fucked up but I think it's exactly what I need to focus on all the right things. Which is me getting an apartment and getting ready for my son who I've grown to love so much. And with all this help and support from King I believe I'll be just fine.

*I hope y'all like this chapter I rush wrote it because everyone was asking me to update lol. But tell me how y'all like it make sure you vote and comment. Next update will be after I get 50 votes and 300 reads.

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