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2 Years Later
King POV

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to Princess happy birthday to you." Me and my family sang happy birthday to Princess we was at my mom house having a birthday party for Princess in the back yard.
"Make a wish and blow your candles out." I told Princess. She closed her eyes tight and made a wish then blew her candles. Everyone clapped for her afterwards.
"Anyone wants cake." My mom asked out loud before cutting the cake and passing plates out. I held Princess in my arm she was getting so big I can't believe I have a 6 year old already.
"Thank you daddy for my party I love you so much." She squeezed my neck so tight before giving me a kiss on the cheek.
"Your welcome baby I love you too." I kissed her cheek and let her down she ran to go play with the other kids. I had got one of those bouncy houses for the it was kids everywhere. I was just glad Princess was having fun. Sometimes she still cry or ask about Nyla and honestly at first I didn't know what to do because I was mad and in my own feelings. But then I talked to my mom and my mom explained it better but fuck that I still hate her but I put my feelings aside for my daughter. So now they FaceTime or talk on the phone I don't say shit to her when she call I just give the phone to Princess. Her and my mom talk still which I'm okay with because they arrange stuff to do for Princess but me talking to her is clipped. She lucky I even let her see and talk to my daughter. She lucky my daughter loves her and looks to her as her  mom otherwise I would completely cut the bitch out my life.
"Now King Nyla is on her way she got stuck in traffic so be nice when she gets here." My mom pulled me aside to talk to me.
"As long as she don't talk to me I'll be fine. She fucking-" my mom slapped me upside me head.
"Boy I know you haven't lost your mind don't ever curse in front of me again." I rubbed my head I honestly slipped up I know my mom don't play that.
"Okay dang mom sorry." She always hitting me upside my head.
"But she late anyway mom she might as well don't come."
"King she human people make mistakes. Princess wants her here just be cordial with her . Y'all need to sit down and talk all these emotions between y'all and I'm tired of playing the middle man."
"I'm not talking to her unless it has something to do with Princess otherwise she don't need to talk to me."
"I swear your so damn stubborn you act just like your damn father. It's okay if you still have feelings for her sometimes things happens that you can't help. If it's meant to be then it will happen. Just give it time son stop harping on old feelings. I know you upset but give her time she was in a bad relationship they have history together. You were her comfort but she was scared and trust me she isn't ready yet. She lost both her babies, she was abuse mentally and physically. Just give her time." I half listen to my mom I just can't get out my feelings I hate the way things turned out between me and Nyla but everything happens for a reason. If it's meant to be it will happen.
"She's here King and I'm serious when I said be nice." She gave me a stern look.
"Okay." I sat down in a chair and watched the kids play and run around while my mom went to get Nyla.
"Sorry I'm late traffic was crazy and I had to pick up Princess bike." King mom Mrs.Melody came to meet me at the door.
"It's okay we just sung happy birthday the kids are just playing around. Are you okay Nyla?" She looked at me.
"Yeah." I gave her a half smile while pulling my jacket up to cover my neck and pulled my hair to the front to cover my neck. After me and King had that falling out I stayed down in Florida for a year then I came back because I was better plus me and my parents was starting to get close again. Six months after I been here I had ran into Elijah and he wanted to go to dinner and talk. So I said fuck it and gave him a chance I figure he was sorry. He wind up apologizing and telling me sorry for everything he did to me especially the cheating and getting another girl pregnant and killing our son. So I had forgave him because if I didn't he would still have power on me. A month after that he wanted to talk again she told me Tina took his baby and left him out of no where. I felt bad he needed someone to talk to one thing led to another we went to a hotel and had sex all night. I messed up big time Elijah was talking about getting back together but I didn't want to so we decided to be friends with benefits I guess you can say. Until last month he got controlling I knew that nice Elijah wouldn't last. So one day he cane to pick me up from work so he could take me to lunch I was talking to my co-worker which was a guy. I had notice he was quiet when I got in the car I figure he just didn't want to talk out of no where he slapped me busting my lip. Next thing you know we was fighting in the car I told myself I wasn't going to be weak again to fight back but he bigger and stronger then me. Even though I fought back I didn't win he beat my ass and I wasn't even his girlfriend. So I blocked his number and been hiding from him. He seen me at the mall last week and I tried to run but he caught me and nearly choked me out if I didn't leave with him. I had no choice so in the middle of the night I left good thing he doesn't know where I live hopefully he doesn't find out.
"Well let's go the kids are in the back I'm sure Princess will be glad to see you." We walked to the back while I rolled Princess bike with me.
"Mommy." Princess screamed it took her no time to see me. She ran all the way to me before jumping on me. My body was so sore still but I'm always happy to see her she erases all my pain.
"Hi baby. Happy birthday Princess." I hugged her tight before putting her down.
"Is that my bike mommy." She jumped up and down excited. I laughed at her.
"Yes it is." She hugged me again before running to get King to show him her bike. When King walked over there it felt like my whole breath left my body. He was the only man who truly loved me he treated me with respect he never judged me. And what I do I leave him and never gave him the chance to really love me. I took him for granted I only thought about my own feelings when I should have thought about his feelings. Now he hates me I know he do but my heart beats for him I want to love him so bad but I know that will never happen because I messed up.
"Daddy look what mommy got me." She dragged him all the way over there to show him the bike.
"Nice did you tell mommy thank you." He looked at her.
"Thank you mommy I love you." She hugged me again.
"Your welcome I love you too." I kissed her on her cheek. She ran away back to the kids. King mom left us two together. We both was quiet we didn't know what to say to each other.
"Wait." I semi yelled to King before he walked away.
"What Nyla?" He said in a aggravates tone like I was getting on his nerves.
"Can I please get Princess tonight I want to take her to the park tomorrow so she can ride her bike."
"No because today is my day you were supposed to get her 4 days ago and you never came."
"I know I was um sick." That was the fastest lie I can come up with.
"Well you should have at least called her she was waiting for you."
"Please King I just want to take her to ride her bike." I pulled my hair to one side to push Nyla bike over to where her other gifts were.
"What the fuck happen to your neck Nyla." My eyes nearly popped out I totally forgot about my neck.
"I um fell." I lied pulling my jacket over my neck.
"Nyla that doesn't even make sense. What happen to your neck? Tell me now!" He demanded looking at my neck.
"King please I'm fine." I looked at him.
"Your whole neck is purple Nyla." He said calming down.
"I messed up like I always do I don't want to talk about it. Can I please get Princess tonight King. Please." I begged.
"Yeah you can but I'll come to the park tomorrow with y'all just to keep an eye out."
"Thank you." I sat away from King for the of the party otherwise he would just keep questioning me.
"Bye daddy see you tomorrow." Princess said to King while he strap her up in her seat in my car. He kissed her cheek before closing the door.
"I'm going to follow y'all to your house to make sure y'all safe." I nodded my head and got in the car pulling off making sure King behind me. He drove behind me all the way to my house. He watched us go inside then he drove off. I told him Princess will call him before she go to bed. Once we got inside we showered and changed into out pajamas. I promised Princess we can stay up and watch Moana. I popped popcorn with the help of Princess and got some other snacks and juice. We snuggle up on the couch before watching the movie. Half way through the movie someone started banging on my door startling me and Princess.
"Stay here." I got up and went to look to see who was at the door. I look through the peep hole and looked at my worst nightmare.
"Open this Nyla before I kick this bitch off the hinges." My heart thumped with fear.
"Elijah what are you doing here?" I said afraid. I don't know how he found me.
"Open this fucking door Nyla." He yelled with madness in his voice. He banged and banged on the door I ran back into the living room to check on Princess.
"Listen to mommy sweetheart okay." She nodded her head. "Take mommy phone and go in the bathroom hide in the tube and call daddy and tell him to come now." Elijah continued to hang but it sounded like he was kicking the door now.
"Mommy I'm scared." Princess cried.
"I know baby mommy scared too. Please do what mommy said." I ran to the bathroom with her and put her in the tub.
"Call daddy okay tell him to come now." I closed the door scared hoping King gets here fast. As soon as I got to the bottom of the stair Elijah kicked the door in. As soon as he seen me he came charging towards me.
I was just about to lay down I was tired after dealing with all those kids today. My phone started ringing displaying that Nyla was calling me. Princess was suppose to call me before she went to bed.
"Daddy." Princess cried through the phone I heard glass breaking in the background and Nyla screaming I hopped up out of bed.
"Princess what's wrong?" I put some sweats on and a shirt my sneakers and ran to the car.
"Someone hurting mommy." Princess cried while Nyla screamed in the background crying. She was begging whoever to stop.
"Where are you baby?" I drove like a bat out of hell.
"I'm in the bathroom hiding in the tub daddy please help he hurting mommy." She cried hard.
"I'm coming back stay on the phone and don't leave your hiding spot until I come get you."
"Okay." She continued to cry. I was speeding good thing Nyla only lived 20 minutes away from me.
"Elijah stop please." I screamed out crying he was beating my ass for no reason. I tried running to my room but before I could close the door he bust in it knocking me on the floor.
"Shut up you think you could just leave me and I wouldn't come and find you, you know better than that." He yelled at me before punching me in my eye. Now I couldn't see my eye swelled shit immediately and my hair was all over from him pulling it the blood from my nose was all over my face making my hair stick to my face.
"I'm sorry." I don't even know why I was apologizing but I'll say anything for him to stop hitting me.
"Now your sorry." He kicked me repeatedly in my stomach.
"I'll leave with you just stop please." I begged hoping it would make him stop. I was praying King hurry up.
"Get up now pack your shit and let's go before I kill your ass I'm here." I crawled to the closet in pain. I laid in the floor in pain I couldn't get up right now. I was going in and out of consciousness this by far was the worst he ever beat me and to think I thought he changed.
"Get the fuck up." He yanked me up by my hair pulling it hard. I fell back to the ground when he let my hair go.
"I can't." I cried out everything hurt. It's like something snapped in him he came charging at me like a raging bull I curled up trying to block the hits before they came but they never did. I heard commotion. I looked up and King and Elijah was fighting and King was beating Elijah ass. I crawled over to King after watching him beat the living shit out of Elijah.
"Don't you ever hit her again next time I'll  kill you." King was hitting Elijah so hard I heard a couple things crack. I was scared I've never seen King in rage before. Elijah wasn't even moving no more.
"King." I called out in pain to him because I'm sure he will beat Elijah to death with his hands. He stopped and looked over to me I was laying on the floor.
"Princess where is she is she okay?." He picked me up bridal style before taking me downstairs to lay me on the couch so he can go get Princess.
"She okay I'm going to get her." He left to get Princess he came downstairs holding her she was crying I felt so bad.
"I'm going to put her in the car then imma come back to carry you to the car." I nodded my head he went to bring Princess to the car then he came back and carry me out to the car placing me in the front seat.
"Mommy your hurt." Princess said worried.
"I'm okay now daddy saved me." I told her she didn't see how I looked but I know she heard everything and I was pretty beat up.
"Where dadd-" Princess words got cut off when we hurt a gun shot I then realized King wasn't in the car. My heart thumped with fear and a mix of other emotions.

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