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"what just happened" Eli asks

"well I would have had it done and over with before you all even knew what was happening but Eli just had to stick his nose in it" I sigh "Finn and I were gonna handle it"

Finn smiles "we make a good team"

I roll my eyes "your so broody go make out with Lyssa more maybe it will loosen you up. Wait better yet you could lose your virginity"

He scoffs "I lost that 900 years ago"

"ya its been so long that it probably been put in place again" Kol jumps in

Nik and Eli still look confused

Kol starts laughing "Nik, 'Lijah isn't obvious Henrik bested you both"

"Henrik did something over me, better then me" Nik says slowly

Eli just looks down "we got bested by our littlest brother and our oldest"

"okay well I think we killed those two, come on I am tired of standing out here" I say "I have something else to show you, something Dani mentioned last night"

"and he is still besting us" Elijah says

I roll my eyes and take both of their hands we all meet Rebekah at the house

"what happened, why is Finn still here" she asks

"it appears that our oldest brother and youngest brother conspired together to kill mother, we just got in the way" Eli says

I chuckle "okay so I think its time for a family meeting"

"I agree" Finn states

we all walk into the living room

"first order of-" Nik cuts me off "who put you in charge"

"ya first Nik and now you" Kol adds

I roll my eyes "I am conducting this meeting because I actually know what is going on"

"ya so shut up" Bexs laughs

"alright so we all know that there was 7 daggers made" I tell taking the box of them out

"what are you doing with them" Nik asks going to get up

I wave my hand and stick him to his chair

"We have a long way to go before we are truly a family, you all agree" I ask

"I agree" Eli says

the others nod

"so the daggers will no longer be a thing" I say putting my hands on them and sucking the magic out until they turn to dust

"you just-" Nik tries

"looks like Nik is gonna need some new threats" Kol sings

"Nik, you will not be making anymore hybrids. You do not need an army or a backup family. You have us, and we might have disagreements but we are for always and forever" I state

he frowns "why are you only picking on me"

"cause your the one who daggers us" Finn snaps

"Shut up. Finn has changed I already had many discussions with him. Elijah, I know its your thing to be moral, but for the love of all things holy do not berate Nik, Kol, Bexs, and I for being who we are." he looks down "we are your family for better or worse, for always and forever. Nik you are not our Alpha, you have your stupid hybrids for that, and if you keep treating them bad there gonna un-sire themselves from you. Bexs, yes fall in love and have your teenage fantasies. You can not put us in danger by telling family secrets, be discreet for god sakes your 1000 years old. Kol man I love you, but grow up a bit. I am not saying all the way but come on man" I ramble

"what about you" Kol snaps "you protect the gilbert boy like he is actually your brother"

I smirk "that's cause he is, we share the same genes. The gilberts are Mikaelson descendants"

they all look blown away

"alright on the other things take a look at the tree in this picture" I tell

I show them a picture of Elena and I when we were 13 and 12 standing in front of a white oak

"that's a white oak" Nik says

"you look good in this picture" Kol tells

"to bad its with the doppelwench" Bexs breathes

"Elena is not that bad" Eli defends

"Elijah do you have a thing for another doppelganger" Finn snickers

"Finn knows how to joke" Kol asks

"he use to do it with Henrik when he thought no one was looking" Eli says

"back to the matter at hand" Nik says "what are we gonna do"

I smile "well Nik I believe its time we work together. Bexs I need you to do recon on the youngest Salvatore"

"you want me to be a hooker" she asks

"arnt you already" Kol butts in

"Elijah, Elena trust you so you need to see what she knows. Kol when we find out the site of the wood your going to burn down whatever it is" I tell

he smiles "I get the best job"

"so Sage is in town, I saw her earlier" I whisper

"No need to worry, I have been looking at what she has done and I am completely over her" Finn gives

Nik smirks "she doesn't need to know that though, go to her make her think you still love her. See what she knows, if she's in town its for the eldest Salvatore they use to be quite close"

"and what will you two be doing" Bexs asks

"well we keep being the big bad wolf and his little brother" I tell

"so no one gets suspicious" Nik adds

"and plus Henrik has a date with Ms. Bethany Bennett" Kol spills

"ah little Henrik has a crush" Finn teases

"whatever go make out with Lyssa" I grumble "okay we're done here"

they all laugh while I walk to my room

When I wake up in the morning I decide to start so I call Carol

"hello" she says

"Carol it's Henrik Gilbert, can we meet some time I have some questions" I tell

"Of course, how about today at noon" she says

"Perfect Carol" I say "Thank you"

we hang up

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