Chapter 9 ◀◀◀ My specialty, grilled cheese.▶▶▶

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*Alpha Nathan's POV*

I was bewitched, bewitched by this insanely beautiful creature I get to call mine, my mate. The whole reason for my existence.

I enjoyed spending time with her so much, getting to know each other better, knowing our likes and dislikes. And only when she told me about her time in El Salvador did I noticed her almost non-existing Spanish accent that only showed in some words.

Our bond grew like crazy because even tho she hasn't said it, she has accepted us unconsciously. I can't even imagine when she does accept us.

Right now she fell asleep by my side, somewhere in the middle of us talking I layed besides her and we shared the bed, and even if it was a little uncomfortable, I enjoyed being by her side.

I took a moment to see her features, even if she had her hair like a birds nest right now, I have to say, that's the cutest bird nest I have ever seen.

After a while she began waking up, and only then I realized I have been watching her for about 3 hours.

"Good morning" She said with a rasp voice.

"I would say good afternoon love" I said with a chuckle.

"Wow, I guess I did sleep well"

"That you did, are you hungry?"

"A little bit, maybe I can get up and go get something" she said trying to sit up but ending up laying down again after wincing from pain.

"Be careful love, you still haven't fully healed" I said helping her get comfortable. "Stay here, I'll go fetch you something to eat, why don't you watch some TV while I'm gone"


I went to the kitchen where I found Andre eating a sandwich with a scowl on his face, and when he saw me I swear I felt millions of imaginary daggers going through me, and I remembered how I left him alone with the little devils, and only then did I noticed his kinda bruised face and arms.

"Hey Andre" I said with a guilty smile.

"You F***er! ,you left me with the triplets alone when they were on sugar rush!"

"On my defense I had to see my mate who wa.. is in the hospital" I said with an apologetic smile.

"Ugh, whatever. But you owe me one."

"Thanks Andy."

"Don't call me that, we're not 6 anymore"

"Whatever you say Andy"

"What are you doing in the kitchen anyways?"

"My mate is hungry" I said with a sideways smile.

"Oh, and you will cook for her??" He said before he started laughing, then he stopped suddenly, clutching his abdomen in pain. I think the triplets stepped over the line... AGAIN. But he deserves it for making fun of me, I mean, I may have almost burn the pack house once or twice before when I tried to cook but he doesn't need to remind me.

After making my specialty, grilled cheese (don't judge me) and making a cup of coffee, pouring some orange juice and a red rose I took from one of the many flower vases of the house, I went upstairs to the room where my mate was and when I opened the door she was taking a shower listening a song I couldn't recognize, so I put the tray with the food on a little table I laid in bed and listened to the next song she put.

She aims a smile with the safety off
And she's not afraid to use it
She holds my gaze just long enough
For me to feel like I'm gonna lose it

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