Chapter 9

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"Are you alright?" the Prince asked, his concern for me clearly evident on his face, as he looked me up and down.

I glanced around us at the multitude of people who had stopped what they were doing to stare, some even daring to gossip to the person standing beside them. I needed to get away from these people now.

"Yes, of course," I forced a smile. "I'm a bit hungry is all. Now if you'll please excuse me."

The last thing on my mind was food, but I walked through the crowd, women and men parting like the red sea, as I made my way to the buffet table. I was very aware of the presence still trailing behind me.

I picked up the first thing I saw, placing it in my mouth. 

"Mmm," I closed my eyes, pretending to savor it. "So good."

The next thing I knew, my tongue and throat were on fire! Sweat began to bead down my face as I looked vehemently for the nearest drink on the table. 

I was panting with my tongue halfway out of mouth, fanning it with my hand, as my eyes watered.

"Looking for this?" the Prince handed me a cup of water, clearly amused by the spectacle I was making of myself.

I snatched it out of his hand, chugging its contents within seconds.

"More," I choked. "I need more."

He handed me another cup, laughing as though I was the entertainment for the evening.

I glared in his direction. Glad to know he found my pain to be rather amusing.

This time, I stuck my tongue into the cup, willing the burning sensation on my tongue to go away. It felt like something was stabbing it with sharp little needles, over and over again. I had never felt anything like this.

After a couple of minutes of deep breaths and swishing the cool water inside my mouth, the pain dulled. It was still there but it was tolerable, at the very least. 

"Well that was certainly quite a sight," Prince William folded his arms, as he chuckled down at me.

"Looks like I saved you twice tonight," he mused to himself, bouncing back and forth on the balls of his feet. "You owe me."

"What was that?" I screeched, decorum forgotten, as I examined the plate that I had taken it off of. 

He picked one up, waving it in front of my face.

"This, my lady, is a chili pepper. Good for flavor but incredibly spicy by itself."

He threw it back onto the plate.

"Then why are they at the buffet table?"

He shrugged. "Lydia likes them."

At the mention of her name, I just about lost it. 

Everyone around us was staring at me. By tomorrow, I would be the talk of the ball, the girl who stuck her tongue in water, in front of Prince William, no less. Great. Just fantastic. This is exactly what I needed. I was supposed to be a wallflower, but instead I had managed to make a spectacle of myself. 

Prince William noticed the worried look on my face as I stared out at the crowd.

"Hey, if it's any consolation, Mathew tried one for the first time a few weeks ago as well, and let's just say his reaction wasn't as... pretty as yours," he laughed at the memory.

Nicholas walked up to us, bowing before the Prince before extending his arm to me.

"Care to dance, my lady?" he grinned.

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