Chapter 23

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"Oh, cheer up," I said, watching as a solemn Minnie dragged her feet back inside after sulking outside on the balcony. 

"He did not dance with me last night. What am I to make of that?" she asked, sitting on the chair in front of me, her head falling into her hands.

To be honest, I wasn't entirely sure. Since isolating myself for weeks in this room, I knew very little about Minnie's relationship with Prince William. 

"With the numerous balls that are sure to take place in the coming weeks, I am sure you will find solidarity," I said, hanging up several dresses that had just come back from being cleaned. "You know, I could always speak to him on your behalf."

Minnie gasped. 

"Absolutely not," she shook her head.

"No," she continued shaking it, appearing less convinced as the seconds ticked by.

"Besides, it would come across as rather odd if you spoke to him. I mean, he hardly knows you and what kind of impression would that give. That I am too much of a coward to speak to him?" she threw her hands up into the air before placing them dramatically over her face.

I ceased running my fingertips along the dresses, turning to face her. 

"Minnie," I said decidedly.

"Yes, Lizzie?" she said, glancing at me through her fingers.

Stifling a laugh, I sat across from her, finding it difficult to take her seriously.

"Minnie, I-" the door suddenly flew open, revealing a beet red Constance, her face stained with dried tears.

Without saying a word, she trudged to her bed, falling face first into her pillow and letting out several billows of sobs. 

Minnie and I stared at her, eyes wide, turning our heads slowly toward each other in unison.

What on earth could have happened to her?

Turning toward Minnie once more, she nodded her head toward Constance. When I didn't get the hint, her eyes widened in frustration as she nodded her head repeatedly in that direction.

"No," I whispered, knowing perfectly well what she was implying I do. "No way."

Minnie crossed her arms, giving me a candid look.

"Uh," I rolled my eyes in defeat, pushing myself off of the bed and toward the wailing woman on the bed.

Walking slowly toward her, I had not the slightest idea what to do. This woman was a monster with a pretty face. Someone who had bullied me incessantly for years. So what was I even doing right now? If only Minnie knew the kind of person she really was rather than questioning why I wasn't quick to help my soon-to-be sister-in-law. At least, that's what Minnie thought anyway.

"Are you okay?" Stupid question, really. No, she was certainly not okay. But what else was I to ask in a moment like this?

"No!" Constance spat, her voice being drowned out by the pillow she had sunk her head into.

Turning my head towards Minnie, eyes wide, she gestured for me to continue. 

"Is it Arthur?" I asked brazenly. 

In all the years I had known Constance, I had never known her to cry for anything other than a boy.

Her breathing stilled and her sobs fell silent. Ah. I was right. I supposed the polite thing to do would be to ask her what he did wrong but I couldn't find myself to think of anything he had done right. The man was a pig. An arrogant, conceited, revolting pig. I could only imagine what he had done to make her cry like this.

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