ass kicked

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Santanas POV

Popularity. You either have it or you don't. I'm fortunate enough to have it, and lots of it. I get it... you probably see me walking down the halls of McKinley and instantly get jealous, which I understand. I would be too. 

"So I'll see you at lunch babe?" my best friend Quinn asks. And I know what you're thinking, and the answer is no. We rarely fight, we've actually been best friends since kindergarten, and yes, we owned that sloppy joint too.

"Sure" I say as I close my locker. "I've gotta go find Puckerman, he won't stop talking about this huge party he's throwing tonight... supposedly it's the biggest night of the year, but he says that every time" I reply to Quinn. 

"Keep me posted because you bet we're going" the blonde says as she walks to her class.

Pucks my boyfriend, we're extremely on and off, I swear we break up like every other day, basically a record. Anyways, it won't last as you can tell,  and not just because he's the most childish person I know, but the fact of the matter is I'm gay and I needs something to hide that. I feel kinda bad that I'm basically lying to his face... but who am I kidding I don't feel bad at all!

"Hey" I say as I finally spot him and his iconic mohawk. 

"Hey babe, I was thinking we could ditch and go to breadstix" he says without any sort of eye contact, eyes glued to his phone.

"If I wanna graduate by the end of this year I have to get good grades puck, and I'm not off to the best start." as I finish my sentence he puts his phone into his pocket. "Who were you texting?" I say, and as I speak everyone in the hallways phones beep.

"Everyone! Party at my house! Alcohol included!" Puck borderline yells and I cover my ears. See what I mean when I call him childish? "Well? Are you coming? Or do you have to study?" he laughs.

"Oh shut up of course I'm coming, and by the way, you're not funny." I joke as we walk to class together.

At lunch

As me and Quinn are waiting in the lunch line she asks me if I'm going to Pucks party.

"Didn't we discuss this earlier? Of course. I could never miss a chance to get drunk."

"Ahahha, just checking. And same here, I just need an excuse to get over Finn after he dumped me for Manhands over there" She says as she points at Rachel, who's sitting with Finn and her best friend Brittany. Finn and Rachel are both apart of some glee club which practically ruins your reputation. Brittany used to be really popular, she's the captain of the dance team, but when she started hanging out with Rachel that popularity kind of went away, though she's not in the glee club and we've never actually spoken before.

"Ugh, men are pigs." I look at Quinn.

"Agreed, and if it weren't for Johnny Depp I'd probably start playing on your team" Quinn jokes, knowing that she's as straight as a ruler. Quinn's the only one that knows that I'm a lesbian and she's totally okay with it, which I appreciate. 

As we sit down Finn, Rachel and Brittany walk out of the cafeteria and I can see the hurt in Quinn's eyes. "He's not worth it Q, and he's literally in glee club, you can do better" I look her in the eyes and she smiles at me.

"Thanks San, lets just hope that they aren't going to this party tonight!"

"Well I mean, everyones invited so who knows, but then again we are talking about Rachel Berry here." 

At the party

As me and Quinn are about to get out off car she grabs me arm signalling for me to stay.

"Here, look what I brought" she says excitedly digging to the bottom of her bag. She lifts out a small clear plastic bag and wiggles it in my face.

"Oh my god Quinn! This must of cost so much! How did you get it?" I say as my voice gets as excited as her, grabbing the bag of cocaine out of her hand.

"I know a guy, but look, nobody can know about this, except Noah and his friends. This shit can get us arrested." 

I nod my head so she knows I understand and we walk into Puck's house, immediatly hearing the blasting sound of party music. We walk down to his huge ass basement and Puck runs over to us, chugging a bottle of beer.

"You're late!" he shouts at us, just loud enough that we could actually hear him. "And you both look good!" he shouts again, looking down at our dresses, which if we were to bend down, would probably show are asses.

"We like to make an entrance!" Quinn and I say in unison. 

As the party continues and we get more and more drunk I stop dancing with Puck and go over to Quinn, who's dancing with some kid in a wheelchair and tell her to follow me. We walk over to get more drinks and I point at Rachel, who's clearly drunk.

"Holy crap! She showed up!" Quinn laughs at the brunette and how drunk she is, this is clearly her first time ever going to a party. All of a sudden she starts walking over to us.

"Hey Quinnn!" She slurs her words.

"What do you want dwarfie?" Quinn replies, giving her a nickname, which I came up with, just if you're curious.

"More like what do you want? You can't keep your eyes of my Finn!" She laughs trying to rub it in her face. I start to get really mad as my fist starts to tense up. Who does this bitch think she is? Last time I checked she wore sweaters that made her look like my abuela at Christmas time. Next thing you know my fist is perfectly inlined with her stuck up face.

"What the fuck!" She yells and holds her face as everyone starts to look towards us.

"What?" we say acting clueless as to what just happened, trying to hold in our laughs. As Rachel's trying to reply, Brittany walks over.

"You can't just do that you bitch!" she yells at me as her body starts to press against mine, almost as if she's trying to be intimidating. It's sort of funny in a way.

"And what are you going to do about it blondie?" I say as I push her off me.

"Santana, maybe we should get going-" Quinn tries to step in but I cut her off.

"No, we've barely even been here, and we need to make some memories." I respond, then focus my attention back to the dancer. 

"I think your friends right, you don't want to get your ass kicked" Brittany gets closer once again. I laugh at her sentence. "What's so funny?"

"I can't put my finger on it. Wether it's the fact that you think you can kick my ass, or that you referred to Quinn as my friend, even though the other day you and everyone else in this place were bowing down to us as soon as we walked in" I smirk, and shove her into the wall.

She charges at me trying to punch me, as I duck down, dodging her pathetic attempt. "That's all you've got?" I grin and start to walk away. Little do I know she's not finished and pushes me from behind causing me to nearly fall straight forward.

"As a matter of fact I've got a lot more than that." Brittany replies as everyone starts to gather round us. Well, I was bound to do this at some point. 

I slap the blonde and push her to the ground and she jumps up and starts pulling my hair while I punch her gut. For about another 3 minutes we continue fighting until  Sam Evans, who I'm pretty sure is Brittany's boyfriend intervenes.

"Hey! Hey! Stop this!" He yells and pulls me away as I'm still trying to get one last punch in."Brittany go to the car, we're leaving." He says to her and she glares at me and walks out.

He lets go off me and everyones attention goes back to dancing.

"You totally owned that!" Quinn said in a high-pitched voice, clearly amused about what just happened. I smile in return. "C'mon, time to get out high on" she whispers, remembering about the cocaine which I could really use right now.

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