smoking and banging

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Santana's POV

We just got into the car and I really don't want a long, awkward ride home, though I hate Brittany- I think, I'm not sure at this point. My brain is confusing me.

"And what's this?" The blonde asks laughing, with a slight sound of concern in her voice.

"God, I knew you were fucking dumb, it's clearly a lighter, maybe you're parents should of actually educated you- like not going through others peoples stuff to start." I snap back angrily.

"Jeez, relax, and why do you even have this thing anyway?" She was staring right at me, while my eyes were more concentrated on the empty rode- which was weird since it was rush hour, but my attention was more on the blonde, though my eyes said otherwise.

"Why don't you answer that question yourself big mouth- considering you called me a junkie earlier." Honestly I don't care if she knows I smoke- well, I rarely do, just when I'm stressed.

"You shouldn't smoke Santana... it's like, super bad for you." I don't know why she's telling me this, the lectures in school are enough. When she said my name, I got a slight tingle in my spine, in a good or bad way I'm not sure.

"Well, that boyfriends bad for you yet you're still banging him every now and again. And why do you care so much anyway? Just let me drive home in peace." I wanted her to respond, I liked her voice, though her personality... not so much, but the blonde never replied, causing the journey was silent the rest of the long route home.

Brittanys POV

I thought about what Santana said about Sam, why would she say he's bad for me? Like yeah he's a good guy and I like him, but I'm starting to question whether I really love him like that or not. And I don't know why I care so much about Santana smoking, it's just, though I despise her... deep down I know I don't. I don't hate anyone, I don't know enough about Santana, or her past, which is causing her to be so mean to me all the time- at least I think it is, it's either that or she's just a bitch.

"Get out." The Latina said to me in a rather snappy tone. I quickly looked outside my window and saw that we were at her house. It was an average size house, though it was decorated with green plants all around which reflected well with the white house, it looked very modern, unlike Brittany's house- which was brick walls with a few lights around the porch though it looked very expensive. I opened the car handle and got out and immediately felt the cold air hit me arms, so I decided to put my dance team jacket back on.

"It's cold out here." I say to the shorter girl as she's fidgeting for her keys to unlock the door, trying to exchange small talk after the rather awkward ride home. I knew Santana and I didn't get along, at all, so I'd rather spend all this time we're being forced to spend with each other not hating one and others guts.

"No shit, Sherlock." Santana snarked after she finally found her key, which was at the bottom on her cheer bag.

"Just trying to start a conversation, no need to get all cranky." I said while she was unlocking the door, though she was struggling since she had her bags in her hands. "Here, let me." I offered grabbing her key out of her cold hands, and unlocked the door, allowing her to go in first because duh, it's her house. Not even getting a thank you or a smile from the girl, I just gave up on trying to pursue a conversation. When Santana and I got inside she dropped her bag on the floor and we walked into her very modern kitchen. Her living room was connected in with her kitchen, and plants all over the place, which weren't even fake, I wonder who takes care of all these. Their family must live on a money farm because I have no idea how else they could pay for this, her moms probably a lawyer and her dads probably a doctor or some cliché shit like that.

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