~Chapter 11~

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  • Dedicated to All you ppl who keep annoying me to update

~Rayannes POV~

My friend Rob is coming over with Reigan. Alex and I kept talking with each other just enjoying each other's company when I remember Taylor's question. Who will you choose? Who would I choose? Taylor is a sweet guy under that reputation he puts up at school. Alex however dedicates himself to whoever he wants to. He has done nothing but help me since I started this year, well besides that creepy stalking thing he did on the first day I came back after changing. That was just plain weird.

"Hello. Earth to Rayanne." Alex waves his hand in front of my face and I snap out of my thoughts. I look up at him and get lost in his eyes. They seem to be different colours all at once. Sometimes a mesmerising sea green, and sometimes a bright, sparkling deep blue.

"Hello?" "Oh sorry, I was lost in thoughts."

"You were staring right at me though. What were you thinking of?"

"The colour of your eyes." (A.N: Sorry about the A.N but if any of you have read the book Matched by Ally Condie this is where I got it from, Logan lerman's eyes just remind me of Ky's ones sooooo, ummm back to le story)

He has a surprised face, I can tell that it caught him off guard. "Oh okay." His voice cracks and he looks away, a faint blush showing on his cheeks.

The doorbell rings which makes me jump so I stand up and open the door. Rob and Reigan stand there with happy faces and we all exchange our greetings. I hug Rob, I haven't seen him in 3 years.

I lead them to Alex and Rob's eyes widen.

Alex doesn't seem to recognise him so he cocks up an eyebrow.

"You-you-you-were-th-the." Rob stutters.

"For god's sake Rob, just spit it out we all would like to continue on with our lives." Reigan says impatiently, she obviously wants to know about it as much as I do.

"When you fought with Tom, did you pass out when he punched you?" My eyes and Alex's eyes widen.

"How do you know that?" Alex asks sternly, I can tell he's wondering how he knows.

"Tom was the guy that caused you to become unconscious, he's the guy that tackled you in the championships."

We all go silent, and it starts to become eerie.

"I would rather we don't talk about him, especially here." I say quietly, barely audible.

"He just keeps adding up the things that he does." Alex says with a sigh.

I can sense sadness in his voice. Its Tom's fault that Alex doesn't have future in football.

"If you were going to do football, what are you going to do know in uni?"

"Umm I actually was planning on medicals." He says, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh so just like Rhea." Rob states. Reigan nudges him and he opens his mouth to speak again. "I mean Rayanne, sorry."

"For you guys you can call me Rhea if you want but it just reminds me if all the bad things that happened in the past."

Once again an uncomfortable silence takes over in the room.

"Okay so who wants to do something?"Rob says cheerfully.

"How about we go to your pool Rayanne?" Reigan suggests.

"Okay." I go upstsirs and get an orange and black bikini for Reigan, a white and black one for me and 2 of my brothers swimming shorts.

I throw their items to them while Reigan and I get changed in my bathroom and bedroom.

I bring 4 towels on the way down and wrap myself in one of them and so does Reigan. We hand one to each of the guys then head out through the back door.

We walk to the pool and I place my towel on one of the chairs.

Reigan comes up to me. "Pretend we are talking." She instructs. We both laugh pretending something funny was said.

"Alex keeps checking you out." She whispers. I blush then lay down on one of the chairs.

I go onto my phone while the others swam.

"Hey Rayanne." I prop up my head at the mention of my name. "We are gonna play chicken fights. Who do you want to be with?" Reigan asks, a smirk playing on her lips. I point at Alex and Reigan climbs onto Rob's shoulders.

I dive into the pool and do the same.

"Don't enjoy yourself too much Alex." I say.

We charge at each other, well Alex and Rob charge.

"I regret choosing this game. Rayanne always wins, she can fight anyone." Reigan says asI dodge her again then push her. Luckily for them Rob regained his balance quickly so they don't fall.

She tries to push me off as well but my balance is better. As she tries again Alex moves forward and I push her with so much speed and strength. She topples over bringing Rob down with her.

I jump off Alex and sit on the edge of the pool.

He swims up in front of me.

"How well can you fight?" He asks.

"I think I could beat Taylor but I'm not sure if I can beat you. If you want I could fight Rob and show you." He nods and swims to Rob to tell him.

Now I'm on the paved area I used to use for my fighting practice. Rob's opposite me.

We circle each other and he makes the first move. He tries to kick my side but I dodge it and kick him the stomach. While he's catching his breathe, I lower myself and sweep my legs to make him fall. He falls
and groans. He tries to get up but I punch his cheek. He then punches my shoulder and I wince. Then I remembered something. I punch his jaw hard and he falls backwards.

"Rayanne, you win." Rob says while holding his jaw.

I apologize to him and make my way inside to get ice. "I did not expect that." Alex says as he falls into step next to me.

"What did you expect?" I ask, pulling out an icepack for Rob. "I expected Rob to win."

I turn to him and poke my tongue out. "You underestimate me." I say in mock hurt, placing a hand over my heart.

He chuckles then we walk back to the other 2.

I pass the ice pack to Rob and he relaxes on a chair.

We end up playing heaps of games and doing heaps of races.

A.N: Attached photo of Alex (Logan Lerman)

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