~Chapter 26~

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[EDIT; warning shit ending ahead, ik its confusing but tell me how you feel below. Congrats for getting this far tho srsly]

The moment we got home Brandon and I bombarded our parents with questions. I mean, can you blame us? I came home at the beginning of the year and found both my parents punctured with bullet holes, and now they are standing before us alive and well.

We all sit down and Harrison greets my parents casually. Did he know?

"Okay. Now I know you kids are a bit confused but_" My mum starts.

"Confused? Hell yeah we are confused. I got a call from Rayanne and when I came home what did I find? I found both of you dead with so many bullet holes in you. So yes we are definetely confused." Brandon shouts.

I look at him with a look that says, 'shut the hell up and listen'. He calms down and looks at them.

"We heard news that people were out to assasinate us. People who did business with us but didn't get what they want. We started getting letters, emails, text messages and even phone calls. All of them were telling us to watch out. Normally someone would think this as a joke but when you're part of a family like ours then its serious." My parents exchange a look with each other.

"We knew that this was bad so we decided to create a plan. We took the risk and went along with this one. We hoped that if they thought we were dead they would leave you alone. So we put fake bodies here. And_"

"But I thought Tom murdered you guys. How could he do that if they were fake?"

"We made Tom come at night and tell you to look out tomorrow. We planned for him to talk loudly so Reigan would hear him. Rayanne, it was all a plan."

"How about the trial?" Brandon asks.

"Harrison organised that didn't he?" Brandon nods and looks at Harrison suspiciously.

"Well we paid journalists, court members, police officers, news channels and other people to make this work. We informed the emergency services that you would call them about our bodies. Everything was organised, planned and well thought out ahead. Every part of it worked perfectly and exactly how we thought it would."

"How about when you came to the hospital?"Things are starting to piece together but a few parts are still confusing.

"Oh I did that part. It was the only thing in the plan." Harrison pipes up. "When Alex told me what happened I called Mr and Mrs Lyon to tell them. We decided that they would come out of hiding and visit you."

"Did Reigan know?" I ask. They all shake their heads. "I feel bad for Tom now." I say, guilt filling me up. "Why you broke up ages ago. How can you feel sorry for him?"

"I might have punched him alot and screamed at him. And one of my friends, Alex, he broke Tom's nose." I say sheepishly.

"That's my girl, show the man who's boss." My father says. I smile at his remark.

"How much?" I ask. "How much what?"

"How much money did you spend doing this?"

"Sometimes its best for things to remain unknown." Dad says.

"I'm just happy that our family is whole now. No one dead, no one hiding and no one in hospital." Brandon says. Its been a long time since we all sat like this. I definetely missed it.

"Harrison only told us you were in hospital. What happened?" Dad asks in a concerned tone.

"Oh well about that..." I scratch my neck nervously. How am I going to explain all this drama.

(A.N): its finally finished. Do you like it?

I know it only has 25 chapters but there will be a sequel for when they are in school next year but there will also be a book thats about Reigan. That one is based just a few weeks after Rayanne is let out of hospital.

Thank you for all the support and ideas everyone gave me. Thanks to all that voted for this book. Hope you read the book (not #2 but #1.5) its called 'Mr Quarterback and I'

Thanks again for reading this!!!

[EDIT: wow you got this far well done, congrats for enduring this heres an imaginary bubble tea for your efforts. Sorry for the shit book and shit ending for those who actually want a sequel number 1: im confused why, number 2: it may never come round im hitting senior year soooo we'll see thanks for reading, getting my reads up woohoo sorry you had to go through that tho] 

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