~Chapter 16~

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Kylie and I walk to school. "So who was that guy that was all touchy feely on your birthday. If my sight does serve me right, I believe I saw a quick kissy kissy moment."

I blush at the thought of who else saw Alex kiss me. "It was just on the cheek." I say as we near the school.

"I bet that you wanted more than that." She say while placing an innocent smile on. I glare at her and she starts running.

I chase after her. "Do you even know where you're going?" I ask as I catch up to her. She stops and now its her time to glare at me. I smile as I walk past her. "You're evil." She says as she obediently follows me.

Anna waves to me and I walk over to the group. "Hey guys this is my cousin Kylie." She waves and a chorus of hi's and hello's go off.

She's looking at Alex and he stares at her with one eyebrow raised. "Can I help you?" He asks. She snaps out of her trance then turns to me blushing.

"Let's go get your timetable." I say pulling her away. A few guys glance at her and she smiles.

I shake my head at her and guide us to the office. "Timetable for Kylie Matthews. She's the new student in year 11." Mrs Godfrey nods and prints her timetable.

"Welcome to Harrowfield Private." Kylie smiles and we walk back. Before we reach the table where they are sitting I stop her. "No more creepy stares at Alex. He might think you're weird now. And do NOT mention the instance at the party. There are issues between Alex, Taylor and I so don't make it worse."

"Which one is Taylor?" "The tanned guy with brown eyes and hair." She nods then we continue walking.

"Kylie this is Anna, Alex, Taylor, James and Maya." They all smile at her and she smiles back avoiding Alex this time.

"So Kylie, are you in the same year as us?" She nods and sits down when I do.

"Can I see your timetable?" I ask. She hands it to me as I scan today's classes. "You have the second, fourth and last classes with Alex and I. The other three are with Taylor." 

The bell rings so we head to our rollcall classes (In my school we call it rollcall and america I think its homeroom. Sorry, I'm using aussie school structure)


As Alex and I walk into Advanced Maths he asks me a question. "What was that staring thing about? Kylie I mean."

I look away from him not knowing what to say. "Uh she umm. I don't know." I say with a sigh. 

"Uh huh. Yeah sure." He retorts sarcastically as we sit down. The usual routine happens. Me siting and talking with Alex, girls glaring at me, guys glaring at Alex and the nerds' hands shooting upwards for each answer.

Even when I dressed as a nerd I didn't give the answer to each and every question. I only answered when no one else did.

The bell rings for second period and we make our way to Advanced Physics. "Rayanne I have a bunch of questions that I have always wanted to ask you." Alex says as we sit at the back of the room. "Yeah sure what is it?"

"When Reigan picked us up from the hospital you guys later exchanged numbers. Why didn't you have it before?"

"Oh security reasons. If someone knew where we lived then they can find out our numbers. I changed it a couple of times since I left San Pedro."

"One more, when we got back to your place we were talking and then you brought up this thing about my eyes." I blush and look away. "But then, you all of a sudden ran upstairs. What happened?"

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