The Coronation

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"And my rooms just down the hall if you need anything." Megan says to me as we put my things in my new room. After all the crazy things that happened last night when I woke up I thought that maybe it was all a dream. Of course that was until I saw the ring on my finger that Donna gave me. So of course that meant that I would have to go to some Coronation today along with having to move into Mt. justice.

It had been okay though. Artemis, Megan, and Robin had been really nice and helpful by helping me put all my boxes and junk into my room. "Thanks." I told Megan appreciatively, "I uh could use some alone time." I say trying to be nice and not seem like I was kicking everybody out of my room. "Of course." Artemis replies understandingly. Megan and Artemis go out of the room first and Robin follows, but right before he's going to leave he turns around and looks at me not like sympathetic and pity but understanding. Just as if he had gone through the same thing.

Then he walks out of my room and closes the door. I sit down on my bed and think about everything that happened. Losing my dad, learning about Pyros. It's all a bit overwhelming and I kind of lose it right there. I cry on my bed about everything and let out all my anger, fear, and sadness. I know it was kind of ,but I needed to do something to help me and I guess crying was the easiest thing ,but hell, isn't that the thing everybody does too?

I know Donna's probably waiting for me to call her so I pick myself up, do a spell to make my eyes seem less disastrous, and put my finger on the pearl in the middle of the ring. After a few minutes of nothing happening I wonder if maybe the Pyros thing was really all a dream and maybe I had just found this ring last night and put it on. But of course nothing like this could be so simple because the next thing I know a blue light engulfs my room.

"Sorry honey it's been crazy over in Pyros. I mean I guess you would be though if you found out that your lost princess had returned." Says my godmother as she laughs. I manage a chuckle and get up from my bed. Suddenly my godmother looks worried. "Are you okay Zatanna?" She asks genuinely worried. But before I can speak she's made another copy of me in my bed.

Then I continue. "I'm fine Donna really. It's just all of this has been really whelming." I say before realizing my mistake. "Excuse me?" Donna asks really confused. Damn you Robin. "Overwhelming!" I restate quickly. "I meant overwhelming." She looks at me very strangely, but then she just holds out her arm and I grab it hastily. And just before we go off Donna asks, "Is this how teenagers from here talk?" I would have laughed and said that only a certain boy wonder did but we were already gone in a flash of blue light.



After we go through the cave we teleport back to the castle and into a huge bedroom. Now when I say huge I mean as big or bigger than the briefing room in the cave. I gape at the room until Donna brakes my thoughts. "Do you like your new room?" All I can do is nod and look around more. There's a huge bed with purple sheets on it and the whole room's painted a midnight blue. There's a bedside table that's half the size of my old bed and a bathroom in the right side corner.There's even a writing desk made of  redwood. I'll admit it now. I'm really excited.

"Some people will be coming in to help you get ready." Donna says after a moment of silence. I nod again and say, "So I guess I'll just wait here?" Donna nods and walks out the door. Suddenly after she leaves I have a really big urge to jump on my new bed. So I take off my shoes, get a running start, and jump on the soft and comfy bed. I probably would stay there all day except I heard a voice that asked questioningly,"Princess Zatanna?"

Okay for my excuse I'll just say that I wasn't expecting someone in my room for at least a few more minutes. Because when I hear that voice I scream and fall off my bed. "Ow." I mutter from the floor rubbing my head. Suddenly a very familiar little blonde girl comes rushing towards me.

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