The Return

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A/N Hello fellow Wattpaders. Not much to say except I can't believe how long it took to have this chapter up. So yeah enjoy and I apologize in advance for all past, present, and future hiatuses.



Zatanna's POV

"We need to figure out how to get the two of you back, without revealing any suspicions of Pyros." Donna explained to us, about a week into recovery.

It had been a long and interesting week after that first day me an Robin had talked. For one thing, Donna made good on her promise and made Robin take an oath to make sure that he would never tell anyone about Pyros. When I went to his defense and said that he would never tell anyone about anything, she explained placidly that it was not only a protection of him consciously saying it to someone, but also if it was forced out of him.

"Well what about me?" I asked her. "What if somebody forced it out of me?" Donna just smiled and said, "Let's hope it never comes to that then."

So, Robin said the set of words that were given to him in the presence of myself, Donna, Desmond, and Mallie as Desmond bonded the oath with a strong incantation. I apologized to him about a dozen times about how sorry I was about it, but he would just wave it away with a smile and give some backhand excuse for not minding.

That was another thing that had happened. Robin and I had been getting a lot more time to actually just talk, whether it be about me living in New York with Zatara or what he and the team went through during a hellish training exercise. Not that we could do much else with him being bedridden and me having my shoulder busted up, but that didn't mean it wasn't nice to be able to talk to him, alone.

Being able to get a lot of stuff off my chest was a bonus too, so when Donna came into his room while we were talking and said that we needed to figure out a way to get us back before anyone suspected anything to serious, I'll admit I was a little dejected at the thought.

It wasn't like me and Robin hadn't talked about it. More than one of our conversations had been spent discussing what everyone was doing and acting like now that we were gone. He wouldn't directly say it, but I knew that he was especially worried about Batman and how he was reacting to his disappearance.

Plus, we couldn't even imagine what the team was feeling now that we had been gone almost a week and a half after a factory explosion. So, even though I was a little sad about our time together coming to an end, I was more concerned that our friends and mentors knew we were alive.

"Do you have any suggestions?" Robin asked, bringing me out of my daze and back to Donna's declaration.

"A few." She replied back shuffling through some notes. She pulled out a single paper and said, "Option one: both of you could stay in Pyros and live here for the rest of your days. Going out into that world only when necessary."

We glare at her in unison and she puts the paper back in the jumble without comment.

"Option two: you return back fully healed and claim that you have no memory of the past week or how your injuries were sustained."

"That doesn't sound much better than option one." Robin states and I nod in agreement.

"Yeah, in case you didn't remember they have mind readers. They'll know we're lying." I answer to her in an annoyed tone.

"Well what if we made that lie more realistic?" she inquires, leaning forward in her chair.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You two are not fully healed yet, therefore you could still maintain the belief that you are injured and have sustaining injuries." she explains.

"Yeah so what?" Robin asks.

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