The Mission

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A/N Hey guys! I don't usually put authors notes in the beginning but I felt like I had to say a few things. First thank you sooooo much to all the people who actually read this story and maybe even care about it. I also want to say again that comments are appreciated. Seriously guys. Even if you tell me my story sucks and even tell me why you think it sucks I would be very happy.

Okay second thing is about the story. I hoped you guys liked the last chapter and I'm sorry I skipped the Bialya mission but I really didn't feel like writing about it since this story's mainly from Zee's POV and she wasn't even on that mission. But beast boy is going to play an important role in my story later on ;) also this chapter is going to be a made up mission that involves some very important stuff so I hope you guys like it. And yes there will be Chalant moments in this chapter finally. So yeah hope you enjoy.

Oh and I'm pretty sure most of you diehard young justice fans heard but this amazing show is being cancelled because Cartoon Network is effin stupid. Please always remember this show and all it's greatness.  



I never thought one mission would go completely wrong. I mean there's always parts where we have to recover and adapt but I never would have guessed that this mission would go so bad. But maybe now I'll be more careful.

I guess it all started with training. The day after Thanksgiving all of us were training with Black Canary and Red Tornado. I was paired with Artemis and I even took her down once. "Good job Zatanna. Your making good progress." Black Canary said smiling at me, pleased. I thanked her and helped Artemis up. After about thirty more minutes of me against a few other people I went over to the ice chest Wally had put in the training room and pulled out a water.

"Your doing good." Said a voice behind me. I turned around and saw Robin in his regular clothes. He hadn't been there for training and I was happy to see him. "Oh yeah?" I said smiling. "You think I could even go up against you one day?" He laughed teasingly at me and I fake pouted. "What? You don't think I could do it?" I said. He just smirked and stood next to me so we could both watch the training.

A few minutes later Batman's image showed up on the holographic screen telling us to go to the briefing room in stealth mode. "See you there." Robin said heading off in the direction of his room. Once we all got in the briefing room Batman started telling us about the mission.

"As you know two and a half months ago the injustice league attacked several major cities with plant creatures. After this all villains were placed in the facilities meant to detain them. Just recently the Joker has escaped with known villain and ally  Harley Quinn from Arkham Asylum." Suddenly a picture of the Joker and Harley Quinn appeared on the screen. "Your job," Batman continued, "is to go to to the factory in which they are hiding, find out what's going on, and shut it down. Bring them in and get out. Take the bioship." And with that his image went off the screen.

Within a few minutes we were aboard the bioship and I was biting my lip. I remembered the "Injustice league incident" and how bad it was. Dad was gone for hours fighting those plant things. And with everything they showed on the news it was like a nightmare. Robin must of seen me and he put his hand on my shoulder. "Hey. It's going to be okay." He said giving me a reassuring look. I nodded but kept looking out the window of the bioship. Even though Robin was trying to be reassuring I had never gone up against this guy before. I had no idea what he could do.

About half hour later we landed in Gotham about four hundred yard away from an old run down factory. "Link established." Miss Martian said after a few seconds after landing. Suddenly Aqualad said, "Miss Martian you and Superboy go together. Zatanna, Robin, and Artemis you go together. And Kid Flash come with me." We all nodded and silently crept out of the bioship. As we entered into the factory I saw for the first time how big it actually was. There was a huge loading dock in the center and we saw men driving forklifts wearing creepy clown masks. "Joker's men." Robin said through the link. "I'm going to take a closer look." And with that he slipped into the shadows.

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