Chapter 4

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Cristine could call Troy all sorts of monsters and words in the book, but the man was surely diligent in his tasks

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Cristine could call Troy all sorts of monsters and words in the book, but the man was surely diligent in his tasks. She hid in the bushes when they came across a small group of unassuming infected strolling around.

Counting a total of seven, Cristine thought it best to split the group up. She'd take three and Troy the rest. She needed at least two not mutilated and agreed they'd use the remaining ones as practice for the recruits.

Cristine only had one machete and begrudgingly handed it over to the militia leader. With a final nod that was rather serious and focused, Troy prowled to the opposite side of the shrubbery and stone.

Cristine skulked with her docious pet along the bushes further away and waited. Perking only when she saw the full head of hair have a gander of the situation. Slipping one hand out she wrapped it around the dry bush and lightly shook it.

The sound was faint and didn't disturb her as much as it did the two infected. Their jaws opened and the vociferous snarling sounded as if it was stuck in their throats. Cristine held her breath and didn’t try to make any unexpected movements, but she watched the scene play out in front of her.

She didn’t know if it was because of the thrill of cutting them down or just because it was almost night. Troy looked like a demon, streaks of blood on his face as he swung his machete around to strike the first unexpecting dead. His movements were swift and fluid as he hacked of the arms of an infected. Ducking and swinging, he kicked a second one to the floor, and three others responded to their possible meal for the night.

Cristine exhaled and with a tense roll of her wrist brough out some rope and pulled it taut in her hands. The two walkers in her vicinity had noticed the disturbance and slowly twisted again and mindlessly swayed in Troy’s direction.

Dashing from the bushes, Cristine restrained the first body and kicked it in the legs to stun it. It pathetically fell on the ground, but clumsily managed to get up again with a frenzied hiss. Grimacing, she slammed the surface of her boot square into it’s kneecap to immobilize it and went for the second one.

The aim was to restrain and nothing more.

Hearing a grunt, Cristine’s head whipped up right to see the kicked one down aim for Troy. Two more swarmed him from the front. In a half-sprint she stabbed the closest one in the back of the head and felt it’s body stiffen until it dropped dead with a muffled sound on the dirt.

Permanently this time.

“I got it!” Troy assured her when she wanted to tackle the final one. After he overpowered a rather bulky one and successfully tied it up, Troy playfully outmanouvered the final one. Cristine furrowed her brows, when he taunted it to rile it up. As if he was enjoying a video game and not risking with his life.

"Hope he gets bit."

Unamused, Cristine decided to deal with the one with the broken leg and tied it up the same as the other first one she got. Twisting the dead around, she held made sure to tighten the rope with a double knot and as she finished the job restraining it dragging it back, she tied it against the tree similar to her own companion.

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