Chapter 6

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"Now you be careful out there alright?" James said as he rubbed his daughter's arms after that long hug, his brows creasing in concern

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"Now you be careful out there alright?" James said as he rubbed his daughter's arms after that long hug, his brows creasing in concern. "I was surprised to hear you volunteered."

A smile that was sure to even fool her father flickered on Cristine's face. "I have the experience, so it makes sense." Saying those words out loud just crashed her mood. This whole run was some ploy of the youngest Otto kin.

She was a game to him.

Blue eyes twinkled with untold worry, telling the tales of his mind, yet his craggy skin, short white hair, a ready smile radiant warmth and calmness. She could just keep looking at her father to renew her energy and momentarily forget the distraction.

"You already proved yourself, Birdie. Don't be so hard on yourself." She saw his gaze briefly flick past her in the direction of Troy and saw his pupils stretch. Even her father seemed to have some sort of dislike towards the militia leader.

"You uh, you be careful with him too. He takes his leadership role very serious and I don't blame him. So don't be too stubborn and bite your tongue, I need you back home in one piece." Her father's concern was noted and Cristine nodded back in agreement. She was happy to have him as that tiny voice of reason when things got too much.

"I know. I got this daddy." Cristine smiled the first genuine smile towards her father and it seemed as if that also made his body relax.

"Gerrard, we're leaving!" The obnoxiously loud voice of Willy in the background soured her good mood, but it helped clear Cristine's mind of the pack she was unwilling joining for this run.

"You take care of Hailey." Cristine said as her eyes toured in the direction of her younger sister who stood at Dolores her side. She saw the look of worry in her bright eyes and the way she bit her lips with her teeth.

"I will, you come back home safe and sound."

Home. Cristine thought with a strange flutter in her stomach. It was the first time her father referred to it as such. Perhaps, she should clear the air about his revived addiction.


To Cristine's utter dismay, she had to share a drive with the almighty militia leader and his best friend in the truck. Coop, Blake and Willy drove one of the Ranch' tactical jeeps. To make matters even worse, Troy confiscated her gun for now, as he couldn't take any chances of her attacking them in a spit of irrational anger. She'd get it back when she 'cooled down'.

The only irrational individuals here were these immature pricks playing wannabe soldier. Troy was the epitome of it. Still, Cristine could only bitterly look outside, locking her irritation from showing, while the screeching and grating heavy metal music pounded.

Despite the manner in which she was forced back from behind the walls, Cristine couldn't help but admire the landscape. The world was in ruins, but nature continued to thrive without humanity. The rock formations with its long and arid landscape and mountains was such a contrast to the dessert waste she scoured in the agonizing and sun burnt weeks.

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