Chapter 7

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Trigger Warning: (sexual) assault, explicit descriptions of blood and gore. If you are sensitive to these things or find them triggering I advice you not to read this chapter.

Bruises and blood adorned her face and Cristine had a split lip too. She rather these men beat her to death than imagine what they were about to do to her. She knew what they wanted to do to her. Adrenaline flooded her system, beating like it’s trying to escape. It felt as if it would epxplode through all her veins. She wants to run, but she was cornered, body defensive as she looked between the two, but rested her dangerous gaze on the tall man named Joey.

Cristine her skin chilled all at once, and her midsection weakens, when she realized what can happen. Four eyes shimmered with a dirty and foul emotion and she knew she’d have to prepare for the worst.

“Where you from doll?”


“You look clean, means you have a place not far from here…” Joey repeatedly ran his tongue over his face and rubbed the spot on his jaw where she’d hit him. “If you take me and pal Dan to this place and patch me up, we can let bygones be bygones.”


Cristine didn't know where to look, what to do. Her body wanted to either bolt for the safety of the woods between the dead or take her chances with her fists. There is only one thing she can do: pray fucking Willy comes to save her. But with every passing second, her hope dies down and Cristine felt the hotness in the back of her eyes.


She wanted to take one great leap and run. Joey shifted and Cristine clenched her fists, making the man pause and gauge her. Amusement flickered through his eyes when he saw her stance and he shared a look with his skinny friend Dan.

“We ain’t no bad guys doll. But these are hard times and we can help… in return for that we can do a little… trade.” Joey’s eyes roamed up and down her body.

"Go to hell." Cristine her adrenaline surges so fast she almost vomited, the saliva thickened in her throat and beads of sweat trickled down her brow. 

“We don’t have time to spare Joey… just tie the bitch up and let’s wait for Ben.” Dan’s words gave her a flicker of hope, but that was quickly smashed down by the perverse behavior of his partner.

“Nah,” Joey shook his head and tugged at the loops of his jeans and rolled his shoulders; fully relaxed and having made his decision. “We ain’t gonna find shit or a place to rest and this bitch isn’t gonna talk, are ya doll?” He asked rhetorically and deadpanned, “‘sides, it’s been a while since we had some fresh piece of ass… and I want to call dibs for fucking once.”

A tidal wave of desire carried Joey off on its roaring currents. The woman was stubborn and packed a punch, but she was still weaker and smaller than him. He stillbhad to hit her a few times, but once she was down, he barked at Dan to hold her hands, Joey fumbled with the buckles of his pants to seek his release.

Cristine thrashed in a frenzy, face pounding and body throbbing from all those merciless kicks and punches. None of her retaliations and yelling registered to either men. She violently thrust her legs, but it only managed to anger the man above her.

"Dumb bitch!"

The force of that backhanded slap to her cheek was sharp, the blow strong enough to jerk her face harshly into the splintered wood. It was all anger and carnal lust for this animal.

“Stop! I’ll tell you what you want! Please!” Cristine distant voice pleads, the body under him stiffened and trembled like a child.

Joey smirked. He knew she wanted him deep down. She was just playing hard to get, like all these bitches do. She secretly wanted this, despite what she’s begging. So, Joey didn't listen to his pleas and only motions and his partner to keep her down.

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