Zuma Beach

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I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. The little hand, the one that counted read "ten". So it's ten o'clock, too late for breakfast, but not too late to take a shower and pack a lunch and drive to Zuma Beach to bake in the sun before work.

There are nice beaches in Venice, I learned to surf there. I'm into working out so it's fun watching the bodybuilders work out at Muscle Beach. Today I want to go to Malibu. I ought to get in touch with my surfing instructor for another lesson, but I don't feel like covering up with a wetsuit. I want to feel the sun on my skin.

I took a quick shower and tied my hair in a ponytail. I pack a lunch and a thermos of lemonade and a couple of bottles of cold water. I shoved everything, plus an old quilt, into the trunk of my Celica and headed to the beach to kill some time before I had to come home and get ready for work.

Zuma Beach is the biggest and most popular on the coast. Nice wide beach, surfing if you like, and just an all-around pleasant place to kill time. I'm still learning to surf. I've done a little here but mostly I come to be alone and avoid the people I have to be nice to. I've got too much on my mind. Rick and my relationship with him are dominating my thoughts. On one hand, I can't really believe that I'm with him, and on the other, I am deliriously happy. I want this relationship to happen very much.

I'm sitting in the half chair I have so I can read and sunbathe at the same time. I am thoroughly enjoying being alone with my thoughts when I look up to see a stranger standing next to my blanket.

"Hey, didn't I see you at the party at the studio a couple of weeks ago?"

I take off my sunglasses to get a better look at him, then replace them. He's blond, not bad looking, kind of borderline attractive that saves his looks. I honestly don't remember him, there were a lot of people at the party, but he claims to remember me. Did I talk to him? I don't think so, I only had enough alcohol to give me a little buzz since I'm not a fan of getting drunk.

My mother's voice is speaking to me in my head. "Here's a perfectly acceptable young man, he's interested in you. He's not married or cohabiting. You'd be better off with him than..."

I switch the "mom button" off before it can go any further. Any of these guys might have girlfriends and there's no guarantee he doesn't have a coke habit.

I want to get rid of him without being rude so I ask him, "I'm really sorry, but I don't recall seeing you. Are you a musician?"

He laughs, a nice laugh if I was interested, "No, I'm an engineer. I hope to be a producer someday." He sticks out his hand and says, "Billy Wilkins and you're?"

I hold out my hand and give him my first name, just my first name. I don't want him looking up my number. I get my phone service free but part of the bargain is you don't get an unlisted number. That's okay, I really don't have to hide from anyone.

I've only had an hour at the beach but Mr. Billy the engineer shows no sign of leaving, which means I have to. I'm not interested in talking and I hope his story about working at the studio is a lie. Rick's suggested that I come down to the studio sometime and it would be awkward if Billy Wilkins showed up.

I start to gather my stuff up.

"Do you have to leave?"

"Yes," I reply as sweetly as I can. "I've got to go home and take a shower before I go to work."

"Oh, do you work evenings?"

I nod and finish packing up. I don't want to talk to him but mutter something as I grab my keys and start to head towards the parking lot.

"Hey, can I help?" he asks but I wave him away. He wants my number, he wants to ask me out but no way. I make as graceful a retreat to my car as I can.

If Billy Wilkins really works at the studio that is not a good thing. I don't know how Rick plans to deal with people finding out about us, especially someone who's tried to hit on me. I know if I do see Rick and I run into Billy Wilkins it is going to be awkward.

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