We're Getting the Band Back Together

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I held Rick tightly, afraid that if I let go, he'd disappear like in a dream. I didn't release my grip even as he laid me down on the bed. We were so hungry for each other that tore our clothes off like we were a couple of adolescents and began to make love in silence, not saying anything because there was no need.

When we finished, he rolled over on his side, pulling me with him, "God I've missed you," he said, "I've been waiting for you to get here, what took you so long?"

"I needed to take my time. The closer I got to New York the scarier it became. There were a couple of times when I wondered if I should turn around and head back." I pushed myself up on one elbow, "When I hit Chicago, I realized that this was real, that I was leaving my old life behind. I took a few days, bought a winter wardrobe, then got in the car and decided there was no turning back. I wasn't leaving home; I was going home."

I know he doesn't get this. Rick makes a decision then that's it. No wavering or deliberating, in true Capricorn fashion his mind is set. Me, even after considering all angles and all sides I still hesitate, not sure of what I should do. Capricorns likes to run things and he forgets he doesn't make my decisions for me--I'm not Elizabeth. I love him, I do, but I think it's best that he's with someone else because we'd be butting heads a lot. Taurus versus Capricorn, hard to tell who's more stubborn.

"Well, I'm here, aren't I?" I tell him, "I kept my word and I'm here."

He kisses me, "Yes, you're here, finally. I've been waiting..."

"I know," I interrupt, "I had no way of getting in touch with you otherwise I would have called. Oh, and thank you for the stuff you got me. That boom box is going to save me, I really miss my stereo. I love that armoire and I'm going to pay you back."

"You don't pay back gifts. I'm glad you like it, I wondered why you chose a place with so little closet space."

"Because the moment I saw it I fell in love. I walked in here, Rick, and I swear I'd come home. I've never even seen any place like this, let alone have the chance to live in it. When I walked in, I knew this was meant to be mine.".

I needed to change the subject and saw no other way but to plunge right in, "Tell me, how are the plans for getting the band back together, are things coming together?"

"I knew you were going to ask me," he sighed, "Things are going slow. I'm gigging with Richard and after the new year Levon and I are going to do some dates. We're pretty sure it will happen, Garth said he's on board. We've got commitments to fulfill then we have to take care of the legal stuff, and then there's rehearsing and figuring out our sets."

"And booking dates, I know. How many times have I watched this happen when you were with the band, then your solo gigs? I was just hoping that this would happen sooner. Has Robbie given his okay?"

"We haven't approached him yet, we wanted to make sure this would be possible. We're pretty sure he will give his okay, no reason for him not to—it's not like we're asking him to join us."

And if he doesn't, I thought, if he even dares say no, I'll fly back to California and do everything I can to change his mind. He must understand that they need this. Breaking up the band benefitted no one but him and he knows it. I understand why, after a fashion, I think he needed to get away but the others paid the price. If I have to fuck him again, I will, although I don't really want to.

"How's Richard doing?" I worry about him, Richard is fragile, any stress could break him like glass. I know that he'd sobered up but he wasn't in therapy or even AA. Richard needs support, not the party atmosphere of touring. I heard him say once that he was the party and I was afraid that if he didn't get help—soon—he was going to fall off the wagon. I don't see much hope for Richard.

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