Fare You Well, I love you more than Words can Tell

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I woke to the feel of a hand squeezing my breast and his mouth nuzzling my neck. I try to slap him away, saying, "Stop that, we've got to get up—we have a plane to catch and besides, I'm starving."

"Umm, you have to earn your breakfast, young lady, and we do have enough time, after all, the band did charter the plane. And besides, it's going to be more than a month before I'll be able to see you again."

I gave in, I always give in, at least for now. We make love then take a shower and get dressed. Since we've worked up an appetite, we go downstairs to the coffee shop for breakfast. On the way down I grab a paper since I want to read the review of last night's concert.

Levon followed us in, looking half-awake. And he's alone, the little groupie is gone, and I wonder what happened. I'm about to say something when Rick pipes up.

"Where's your little blond friend, Levon?" he asks, "Not like you to spend the night alone if you can help it." I wonder if Rick is as glad to see her gone as I am.

"Ah, she left early this morning, she didn't really give a reason. Something about having to get home or some such thing. Besides," he picked up my hand and kissed it, "She was just another groupie, not a jewel like you have here."

I could kiss him for that, but I don't. I smile and thank him, telling him I'm not a jewel, not really, but Rick, bless him, objects.

We eat huge breakfasts, each of us, not lingering over them as we'd like but tucking away our eggs, bacon, hash browns, toast and lots of coffee. We've got to get packed and get our stuff ready for the roadies to take to the terminal.

I only have a few more hours with him and I'm trying to be brave and not cry. We'll fly to San Antonio and hopefully, Rick will be able to see me to my plane or at least help me check-in. I couldn't deal with it if he sent a roadie to do it in his place.

On the plane we sit apart from the others, holding onto each other somewhat desperately. He tells me how pretty I look in the blue silk dress (Gina's of course) I'm wearing and say, where did that necklace come from? I slug him and laugh, which is exactly what he wanted me to do.

He rubs his arm as if he's in pain. "You got quite a punch there girl," he tells me and I giggle. We're pretending that the time isn't passing as quickly as it is. We pretend time is standing still, when, in a couple of hours we're going to be separated for over a month.

Eventually, the plane lands, we couldn't maintain our fantasy forever. We wait in the terminal while the baggage is being unloaded and soon Ben appears carrying my pink suitcase.

"Got your ticket, baby?" Rick asks me and I reach inside my bag and pull it out. It's not a long walk to where I need to check-in, I wish it were longer. Ben carries my case and Rick and I walk with our arms around each other, thinking we're safe from the madness of the night before.

Until someone snaps our picture, twice. Rick looks angry, I've never seen him look that way before. "Ignore it," he says to me, "No good to make a scene here. I'd like to smash his camera."

"Is it anyone you recognize?" I ask.

"No," Ben answers for him, "Just someone trying to get a picture. Why in the world they knew we'd be here is beyond me. No one should have known.

"Someone always seems to know," said Rick grimly, "But maybe that picture won't go anywhere. I'd sure like to know why he showed up here, though."

He helps me check in and they walk me to the gate. "I can't stay and see you on your plane, sweetie, but after I get home I'll call you as soon as I can." He took me in his arms, held me tightly, "I love you, sweetheart. You have no idea how much I'm going to miss you!"

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