Sequel: "if that makes you happier"

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It has been three years since you dated Hanbin. He proposed to you. You said yes. Everything was going well, but your happiness was shortlived...


It is happening again.

One year ago we had the same problem. Him ignoring me. Him being extremely busy with IKON's album. He is always agitated. Stressed.

We had our first major fight a year ago.

We didn't talk for a few days, but Hanbin came back and apologise. He promised he would change.

For a year he managed to change his ways but now we are back again. And this time there are no sorry. No kisses. No hugs. No roses. Nothing.

Just silence.


Recently, Hanbin has been really busy preparing for IKON's album. He has been sleeping at Yg entertainment and when he returns home he just sleeps.

You rarely see him. The only time you get to see him is when he is sleeping but even then, you guys don't converse or interact much.

You and Hanbin are starting to drift apart.

You understand that he is busy and tired and stressed. You thought it would get better. You didn't expect much but the least he can do is greet you with a

"Good morning jagiya,"

or smile at you when he sees you.

You feel like Hanbin is slowly fading away.

You confided with your close friend.

" Chae young, you honestly need to talk to him about it. You need to address this issue, You must,"

"But how?" I asked. "I hardly see him let alone get the chance to talk to him,"

"Mmm.. true that, maybe go visit him? I mean if he truly loves you I am sure he can spare just a few minutes to speak to you,"

"I am tired jinyoo. I truly am.

He was like this a year ago. He said he would try to change but now he is even worse. At least back then he would text me to say good morning or little gestures like a morning kiss. Now he doesn't do anything of that,"

"Chae Young, I don't know whether I should say this..."

There was a pause. I waited, nothing.

"Go on jinyoo, what do you want to say?"

"Chae young, you don't deserve this kind of treatment. You can do so much better. If he hasn't tried to change maybe it would be for the better for you and him. to call it quits,"

The word 'quit' rang in your ear.

Your heart stopped for a second.

"Jinyoo, I will never call it quits just because I am going through some rough times. I love him and I can't let this enemy win. I'm going to fight through this. Please never suggest this idea to me ever again."

You heard a sigh.

"Chae Young, I know it sounds so definite and scary. But listen to me, you have been dating Hanbin for how long? Three years? And each year how many times has he disappointed you. How many times have you spent time with him? When was the last time he said I love you? Or did small romantic gestures for you?

I know you love him. I see it in your eyes whenever you talk about him or how you smile when you see him.

I know, but sometimes loving someone isn't enough.

Converging Fate- iKON HANBIN's fanficWhere stories live. Discover now