Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm clock. Today I woke up early so I could check on Nuada. "Last night was a little crazier than usual, I might be able to catch him before he wakes so I can wake him myself for once." I stand up and walk to the bathroom. "I should bring the medkit as well just in case I hit him a little too hard." I grab the medkit off the wall and open it making sure it has everything I need before I start getting ready for my day.

I quickly showered and brushed my teeth before walking back out into my room. I slipped on my everyday work clothes. A pair (F/C) jeans, a black t-shirt, and sneakers. I grabbed the medkit and made my way to the door. I quickly grabbed my phone on the way and walked out locking the door behind me. I made my way down the hall and turned down the hall to the right. I slowed my pace as I reached Nuadas door. I peaked inside from the glass window.

    I continued to look through the glass in awe. What I saw was different than how I saw Nuada before. He was sitting silently reading a book, he looked as if he had just woken up. His hair was messy and put into a lazy ponytail. I shook my head and knocked softly. I heard a sigh and the sound of the book close. He glanced through the glass and raised a brow seeing me stand there.

    He nodded . "Come in" I nodded back and placed my thumb on the print reader. The door unlocked as he started walking back to his chair. I opened the door and closed it behind me med kit in hand. He picked his book back up and started reading again.

    I walked over and sat across from him. I raised and brow as he looked over at me from his book then back down continuing to read. I cleared my throat. "Good morning." He crosses his legs and continued to read.

    He yawned as he read on. "Hm." was all he responded with. I sighed and looked down at my hands holding the med kit.

    "I'm sorry for hitting you last night, that was uncalled for." I looked up to e met with his golden eyes looking back at me over the top of his book. I shifted slightly as he continued to stare. I broke the staring contest by looking back down and my hands as I fumbled and played with the latches on the med kit. He set the book down and leaned his arms on his knees and slouching forward.

    "Thank you, for your apology." He stood and slowly took the med kit from my hands. I quickly looked up at him. "Why did you bring this?" I quickly stood and took the med kit back. He raised his brow and crossed his arms.

    I opened it "I uh, wanted to check and make sure I didn't hit you too hard last night. I wasn't paying attention and just swung." I sat him down and got down beside him looking at the right side of his face. Seeing a little redness I grabbed a cold compact and popped it. I warped it in a cloth and pressed it to his cheek. He flinched slight and let out a soft hiss from between his teeth. "Sorry..." I mumbled.

    "It's alright." He slowly moved his hand up to hold the ice pack himself. As he did his fingers slid over the back of my hand. I felt a slight tingle from my fingers up my arm. I held my hand there not thinking. "You can let go now I have it." He smirked at my zoned out state.

    "R-right, right sorry." I pulled my hand away and stood. "W-well I'm going to go check on Nuala, sense you got a little bit of a mark she did as well. I'll be back in about 40 minutes, then we'll head out for our daily walk." He nods and stands going over to his wardrobe. I grabbed the med kit and made my way to the door. I opened it and locked it behind me. I leaned my back against the door once out into the hall. I clutched my chest and let out a shaky breath. "What the hell just happened between us?"

Insufferable Prince (Prince Nuada x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now