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Irene's POV

"Stop, oh God you're going to ruin my dress!" I shrieked, my loud voice echoing across the room, my hands trying to keep Namjoon's destructive hands off my new dress.

"Yah, tone it down a little, guys,"

Soft chuckles escaped my lips as we heard the sound of Jin's voice and his constant knocking on the door. He's being grumpy these days and everybody knew he's been picking everyone, finding faults on every tiny detail he can get. 

And we understood why so we're letting him.

Besides, it' not like he's being mean. He's just being, well, grumpy.

"Yah!" I hissed at Namjoon, but my face just can't betray me so I ended up laughing instead of trying to act really stern.

I just completed a commitment I had along with the girls and I headed straight at Namjoon's. So right now, we were cuddling on his bed but he keeps on playing on the ruffles of my dress.

And we're talking about Namjoon here. What Namjoon touches, he normally breaks or destroys.

"I was just genuinely curious about the design of your dress. It's not like I wanted to remove it off you," he whispered, his breath hitting my neck a little as he was hugging me from the back and I gulped.


When will I ever get used to this? Him being by my side... Him hugging me whispering me sweet nothings... Him being mine...

Suddenly, I felt him pulling me even closer to him, his arms tightening and I felt him burying his face at the crook of my neck.

"Joon..." I whispered, a thought coming in my mind.

It's been what? More than a year after Kaizan died. We never really talked about her. To be honest, I was afraid. I was afraid to know how he feels about her now.

I don't want to be selfish. I know he loved her first and deep inside me, I can feel that he still loves her.

There were times when I'd see him outside the balcony, looking at the stars like he always does whenever he thinks about her.

My hearts a little whenever I see him smile while looking above.

Weird thoughts always cloud my mind...

Does he think about her?

Was he talking to her?

For years, it has always been Kaizan. I don't want to be that person who gets so insecure about the dead. She doesn't deserve any hate from me.

I may have not known her personally while she was still alive but not once did I think badly of her too.

But it hurts. As much as I want to deny it, I'm getting hurt just thinking about sharing Joon's love.

Is it wrong for me to wish that he only loves me?

Before I can even ask him a question, he beat me to it.

"You never told what your agency said about our relationship," he started and I turned around immediately.

How did he know?

Once I was lying face-front of him, he pulled the blanket closer to cover at least half of our bodies. Though the light was a little dim, the light coming from the glass door through his balcony was more than enough so my eyes can peacefully focus on his beautiful face.

"What do you mean?"

He reached for my hair and brushes them with his free hand.

He was looking at me intently, the intensity of his stare was too strong I had to fight the urge of leaning forward and hugging him.

"I heard our managers talking about it. Apparently, your company had called mine and was asking that I break up with you," he answered and I gulped. My heart feeling even heavier.

I swear, sometimes I hate how my company makes decisions without consulting its artists.

I hate it.

I hate the fact that I am helpless about it.

With that in thought, my gaze fell a little. I felt so bad about it. "Sorry..." I whispered

"Why?" he asked, his voice sweet and my heart melted even more.

I felt his hand lifting my chin a little so our eyes can meet.

"Why are you saying sorry for something you don't have a control with?" he asked. My lips quiver at how understanding he sounded.

"Their actions are beyond your control. Besides, seeing your reaction about your company's action makes me confirm one thing," he stated and I looked at him confused.

"You told them 'No',"

"Huh?" Now I'm even more confused. How did he know?

He smiled and leaned a little giving me a warm kiss on my forehead. My heart did a mini somersault at his action.

Damn it. I was supposed to be focused but he keeps on distracting me.

Once he moved back, his hand brushes my side cheek and my heart didn't stop hyperventilating.

I wet my lower lip in panic.

How do I handle Namjoon when he's like this?

"Don't worry about it. Our company doesn't force their decisions on us about our relationship,"

I pouted.

"And it's not like I'd agree to break up with my baby," he whispered and before I knew it, he already crossed the small space separating us until our lips touch. He was kissing me so passionately that I have no choice left but to lose control.


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