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Josh waited until the car was parked before he spoke again. The entire car ride was in complete silence, with Josh focusing on driving and Oliver staring out of the window. The sun made his eyes ache slightly from how bright it was compared to the artificial lighting which filled Josh's basement, but he ignored it.

"Keep your head down and don't communicate with anyone, alright?" Josh ordered in a steady voice. Oliver nodded back silently and began to unbuckle his seat belt but Josh grabbed his arm, stopping him in his tracks.

"I'll come open the car door for you. Stay still." He said, holding eye contact steadily with Oliver. His eyes were dark and stern looking, swimming with dominance. Oliver pacified whole, taking his hand off of the seatbelt buckle and relaxing back into his car seat.

Josh slowly exited the car and walked around to Oliver door, holding his eyes on Oliver's the entire time. Oliver stayed still as Josh opened his door, only moving when Josh told him to get out.

They walked into the cinema in silence, holding hands the entire time. Oliver couldn't escape even if he wanted to, the death grip Josh had around his fingers prevented him from doing anything. Whilst Josh bought the tickets he stayed silent, keeping his head down too so that no one could see his face.

Josh bought their tickets as well as a drink and some popcorn to share, even after Oliver had shook his head after Josh asked if he wanted any snacks. When they finally went into the screening room, Oliver was already ready to go home. Being out in public again after so long was making him way more anxious then he thought it was, he was practically trembling.

"You can look up now." Josh whispered in his ear, his voice smooth like silk and comforting like a blanket. Oliver did as he was told, cursing the discomfort that ran through his neck from being bent down so long. He scanned the room with his eyes, relaxing slightly when he noticed it wasn't too crowded. Josh and him were sat on the back row, meaning no one else in the room would be able to see them when the movie starts.

"Are you having fun, Liv?" Josh asked quietly in his ear again. Oliver nodded and smiled meekly, hoping his attempt at looking happy came out believable. The truth was he wasn't having much fun, and would rather be back in his room at Josh's house, watching Netflix or reading a book.

Oliver was so lost in thought, he didn't even notice the lights dimming and the film beginning to play. It was a horror movie, probably Oliver's least favourite genre, meaning he was on the edge of his seat for every minute of it.

They shared the large drink and popcorn between them, their hands occasionally meeting in the middle as they both went to grab a handful of popcorn at the same time. It was weirdly romantic in a way, like something that would happen in a soppy romance novel.

At one point he began to cling to Josh, wrapping both his arms around one of Josh's and burying his head into the taller boys shoulder. He began to wonder if Josh had taken him to see a horror movie for this exact reason, in the hopes that Oliver would become extremely touchy when he was scared.

If that was his intention, then he had defiantly succeeded, as Oliver didn't let go of him until moments after the credits began to play. They exited the cinema quickly, Oliver bowing his head once again and attempting to draw as little attention to himself as possible.

When they got to the lobby, Oliver suddenly realised he really needed to use the bathroom. He concluded that drinking a litre of Diet Coke wasn't the best thing to do if you're trying to restrain your bladder. He tugged gently on Josh's arm, earning the blue eyed boys attention.

"Are you alright?" He asked. Oliver cocked his head to the side and pointed to the door to the men's room, hoping that was enough to put across his point.

"You want to use the bathroom?" Josh asked. Oliver nodded in response. "Okay I'll wait out here for you, don't be long."

Oliver didn't fail to notice the hidden threat behind Josh's words, quickly heading into the men's restrooms. He did what he needed to before washing his hands and heading back out, hoping that he was quick enough for Josh's standards.

Except, when he came back out Josh was no where to be seen. He looked all around him. To his left. To his right. But Josh wasn't there.

He began to silently panic, his palms getting clammy and his heart beating faster. He walked around the ticket counter and the popcorn machine and the sitting area but Josh wasn't there. His breathing became quicker and his body felt like it was on fire.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed his waist from behind. He almost shrieked at the sudden contact and quickly turned around to see who had grabbed him. He was met with a pair of dark, blue eyes staring back at him. Josh.

He looked angry.

He harshly tugged on Oliver's arm, dragging him all the way back to his car at a pace that was so fast Oliver could barely keep up. He practically shoved Oliver into the passenger seat before doing his seatbelt for him and making his way over to the drivers side of the car.

"I told you not to be long and then I find you 10 minutes later wandering around the cinema like a lost puppy? What were you doing Oliver!" Josh practically shouted, causing Oliver to flinch. "Fuck me I though you had ran away!"

"What were you doing?" He asked again slower. Oliver looked down at his shoes and shrugged, causing Josh to growl in frustration.

"Fine, don't expect me to take you out somewhere nice ever again." Josh snapped. Oliver almost whimpered at that statement. He liked the fact that Josh wanted to take him out on a date, he didn't want that privilege taken away from him so soon.

"I-I'm s-sorry." He stuttered out quietly.

The car became so silent you could hear a pin drop.

"What did you just say?" Josh asked with a shocked expression on his face.

"S-sorry." He said a little louder. His voice was still off pitch and shaky from not being used for so long but his words were clear enough for Josh to hear them.

Oliver felt fingers softly grip his chin and lift his head up, making his brown eyes fall level with two wide blue ones. Josh held Oliver's face in his hands and just looked at him, deep in thought.

"It's okay darling. I didn't mean to get mad at you." Josh said smoothly, in a low but calming voice. Oliver drew in a shaky breath as he tried to hold his tears back. "I can't believe you're taking to me."

Oliver sat still, his muscles full of tension.

"Say my name."

"J-j-josh." He stuttered out, making Josh smile widely and pull him in for a hug.

"Oh Liv, I'm so happy to hear your voice." He said into Oliver's hair. He pulled back from the hug and turned on the car engine, starting it up and pulling out of the cinema car park at full speed.

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