Part 1: The Witches' Arrival (1)

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(300 years later)

Eris took a deep breath, before, launching himself into the sparring field once again. It was a normal autumn day. Cold, brisk and wet.
The sharp bite of it never bothered him. He was a seasoned fae warrior after all. Maybe not in physique (he had his mother's lean figure) but his body had had centuries of training to tolerate the cold. And his fire to wield in vulnerable moments. Although he had learnt, long ago to not use it. His gift. And his curse too. Which Beron knew well how to weaponize to make his son do his bidding.

             Eris spat bloody as his brother's punch nearly knocked him out making his vision go black at the edges.

"I don't think I'm hitting you hard enough since you keep losing your concentration," Savyine commented, "should I break your jaw? Will the lesson stick then?"

Eris bared his teeth and dived at Savyine, breaking his pace. He wanted to flip him over and get this fight over with but his brother was a meatball and it was impossible for Eris to do so. But he was fast. Changing tactic midway he tried knocking his opponent's legs from under him but Savyine already suspected it. He took the chance to knee him in the gut and throw his body sideways in an awkward position and finally held him in a chokehold for several seconds before releasing him. Proving his victory.

"You can fight better then that." His brother observed.
            "Yeah, I know," Eris replied pushing back the hair that had freed from his braid, "I'm a little distracted today.
"I don't know what it is." He said before Savyine could inquire.

"It'll get you killed on the battlefield."

"I know that. But war days are gone now."

"Danger still lurks. You have to be careful. Gwylawst is approaching. Beron has been acting strange lately, something is definitely happening."

"Father's just nervous. Autumn court hasn't celebrated Gwylawst in centuries. He doesn't want any kind of disruption."

His brother hummed uncommittedly.

"I hope that's so." He sighed.

The sun illuminated his brother's face. Making his hair shine like a raging fire. He smiled. Eris did too.
               They stood there in a comfortable silence. Their breathes frosting. Letting the quiet noise of the wood soothe them. And only moved when the city bells began ringing. Cutting through sleeping creatures dreams and sweet melodies, beckoning it's citizens back to life.



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