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For all he knew, Keir was not going to forgive this. It was one of Eris's little mischief but the Steward was bitter and old. Harmless, as his joke was Keir would see this as an attack. Eris had deliberately planted a seed of doubt in his mind, now he would sit back as Keir's own devious ways ended their alliance. And then he had to be prepared for the blow.
Eris didn't wait for an invitation as he sweeped forward taking his usual spot on the table. He listened keenly as Keir gave the barest update about Hewn city. He, of course, didn't mention anything Eris's spies hadn't already told him. Disappointing.
               Feyre raised her hand in dismissal and Keir walked away, bowing rigidly to his Lady and then the Lord, Eris smirked at this observation. Rhysand only watched him coldly, Eris would certainly enjoy seeing Keir beg and whimper. He had, unfortunately missed the last delightful event.

It was only when the doors shut and Keir's absence confirmed that the silence was broken.

"I wouldn't waste my time making you feel welcomed, so I'll get straight to the matter, why are you here?" It was Feyre who spoke. Not Rhysand, the lord was silent as death by her side.

"Isn't that supposed to be your job as the prestigious High Lady?" Eris inquired, sneering slightly.

"No, my job is to tear apart anyone who, ever threatens my court in the least." She replied with ease.

Eris smiled. Letting his eyes slide over to Rhysand, meeting the high lord's violet gaze; devoid of any emotion. Eris shifted his focus back to Feyre.

"Is your mate going through a period of linguistic bankruptcy?" Eris asked.

Feyre opened her mouth to answer, but Eris snorted, cutting her short. "Oh the muteness is understandable," Eris continued, replying to himself, "your mouth does have a cruel reputation in Prythian."

Her eyes widened hinting a bit of shock. But she covered it well. Being High Lady had taught her the ways of court, he observed. Rhysand however... was a terrifying sight. He shouldn't have said that, he did need their help. Mother above. He hated this.

Eris forced a chuckle, it came out sounding natural as ever, he poured himself a generous amount of wine, setting t the decanter back he swirled the wine, it was strangely hypnotic.

"I have something for you." He began. "Something you would want."

"I have everything that I want." Feyre replied.

Eris shrugged. "I'd hear me out if I were you." He went on. Her eyes narrowed. Eris cocked his head. Waiting for the question.

"What is it?" She asked. Helping herself to some wine too.

"Something you wouldn't want in the wrong hands," He answered, "I'll tell you what it is but first I have a condition."

Her eyes narrowed even further. He knew she didn't want anything to do with him. And the feeling was even stronger now. But she was listening, that was enough. He would convince her.

"Allow me to say my part of the bargain," Eris said, looking over at her, she nodded eyes narrowed to slits. "I want your word. Word that you or your mate will not say anything about our deal to anyone. Ever.  Not your court, not your inner circle. No one. And this, this item...you get it yourself. No one else."

For a long moment no one spoke. His words hung in the air. They had been expecting a material demand. Not this. Well well.

"What makes you so confident that I would help? I'm very much inclined to decline this bargain. You see I don't want any part in your guileful trickery." Feyre said starting hard.
Of course she didn't want anything to do with him. He didn't even qualify as half a decent male, certainly not in their clouded judgement.

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