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It was past midnight when Eris returned. He knew by the curious stares of the High Guard that they had been notified, by his mother to keep a lookout for him. He also saw one of them scrambling away from his post to alert the Lady of his safe return. Eris scoffed quietly.
                 He had followed the trail of the city lord cooped in his house surrounded by both healers and whores. It was a pity neither could ever make him speak again. It was also a pity that the lord, Aron, that was his name; couldn't answer Eris's questions. He was barely conscious and Eris didn't want him leaking any dangerous information. Not that people would get to hear the lord speak, he smiled grimly. No one would ever listen to the lord boasting again. His father had made sure of it.

Beron must know that Eris had paid the lord a visit. His cronies would have gotten the truth out of the lord's servants. Eris had allowed them to answer truthfully. He didn't want any more punishments today.

Eris climbed the wide stairway to the mansion entrance. The servant bowed and hurried out of his way. Inside the house was familiarly dim lit, a deep yellow glow coming from the firefae floating in the air. Swiftly darting away when they closed any solid object. A simple magic spell kept them from sinking too low, they continued their little dance up near the ceiling. Rarely falling below.

A slight ache in his head reminded him that he needed to take his daily tonic. Before the headache got any worse and spoiled his mood even further. He had missed dinner. It wasn't uncommon. He was usually in the northern part of the territory looking over his father's business. It was like a model territory, given to every son as a part of their training for coming leadership days... when one of them would ascend the throne. His mouth puckered at the thought.  All these centuries...he and his brothers had spent fighting each other on it. Beron had planted a seed of competition among them. Which had quickly grown to envy and hate. It had taken away their love and compassion for each other.

But there had been a time when all of them had been close. Eris reminisced the days when he along with his brothers used to play in the orchards. Picking apples and running around with foxes. When he and Lyor spent long hours by the river teaching Lucien how to fish. His father had ended that too.

                      Lucien had fled from the court believing he had lost his mate. An incident that caused the death of two of his brothers. Kalen. And Orsan, Lyor's twin. It had ripped apart their family, as well as the brother's secret alliance. They were no longer a family, or maybe not in spirit. Just lifelong enemies who unfortunately shared blood. It only made this game of thrones worse. Plotting against your blood, thirsting for your brother's death. Eris longed for things to be different.... if only.

               His room was cool, a flick of his finger had the candles burning. He didn't bother lighting the hearth. It had been a long day and he hadn't eaten except for two apples which he had snatched from the Royal Orchard on his way back. His stomach growled. Hunger always made his headache worse. Eris groaned. He was 500 years old with unnecessary amount of military training and still headaches made him want to behave like a child. No wonder he had caused the local lord to lose his tongue rather than handle the situation on his own.

Eris massaged his head, gently kneading his temples. As he dragged himself across the room and all the way down to the kitchen below.
               The lower level was mostly empty. Most of the fire logs had burnt out. A lingering smell of baked pumpkin and mushroom along with the divine touch of cider and sage enveloped Eris's senses. It was so mouthwatering, it was always this pleasing. He smiled. Food never failed to cheer him up. He called out to Joanne softly. Joanne was his favourite cook she was old but she was the best one there was. As a child he used to sneak in here every night for apple tarts and unexpected warm hugs. It had surprised him initially. He wasn't used to physical contact. He'd found it strange. But then he'd grown to love it. Love her.

"Joanne..." Eris whispered again. Looking around for her. This time a bowed figure shuffled into the light from the kitchen's east corner. He walked over to her.

"Oh it's you, my child," she rasped in a shaky voice, "I can barely hear anymore."

"You're old that's why." Eris piped back. Joanne only hit him with a wooden spoon.


Eris sent his power out in a wave. Trying to detect any spies or curious listeners. There were none. Good. He wasn't in the mood to deliver punishments.

"I made you a pumpkin pie, but I'm afraid it vanished." She informed him. His lit up face dulled again. "So I could only bake Kingfish with spiced curry and prepare your favourite pumpkin soup and Apple galette. You can have wine or hot chocolate with it. Whatever suits you. I spiced both of them the way you prefer." Joanne continued fussing, setting the tray for him while Eris, uselessly as ever, handed over the wrong 'shape' of cutlery. He would never understand Joanne's cutlery choice. Somehow every meal had its specific cutlery and he could never keep track. When all was done Eris used winnowed back to his room. On an afterthought he sent a little of his power fluttering to Joanne to ease her pain and keep her warm. He knew she'd be annoyed at the sight of his Firebird, a small fire made butterfly with maple shaped wings which Eris only used when he felt like being exceptionally cheesy.
          Chuckling a little he inhaled the ambrosial smell rising from his food and digged in without another thought.


Despite sleeping late, Eris woke up early next morning. He had sparring practice with his trainer later. And several errands to run before returning to accomplish his daily court duties. But he had more pressing matters currently, like stopping the Ouroboros from entering Autumn territory for instance.
         He'll have to pay a visit to the High Lord of the Night Court and his darling High Lady for that. His mood soured at the thought of meeting them. Stuck up entitled pricks the lot of them. Eris moved away from the window he was leaning against, the breeze having refreshed him. His hair were probably a mess and surely his eyes had bags under them. It was time for a bath.


Eris winnowed, right outside the massive entrance of Hewn City: The Court of Nightmares.

It was always an inconvenience coming here. Among the heartless conniving monsters. It pained him to know that he'd spent so many hours with a remorseless power-hungry beast all the while pretending that he enjoyed Keir's cruel company as he tortured his subjects for entertainment.

The court was known as Hell City by outsiders and rightfully so. Amarantha's court under the mountain was its pathetically poor imitation.
                The doors boomed open as Keir strode out smiling wickedly, an almost surprised look on his face at Eris's unexpected arrival. Eris gave him a pinched smile back, eyes dancing with vile joy. He felt himself slip behind the mask of the sadistic heir; projecting an air of sheer arrogance and entitlement. It was easier this way. His crimes went unquestioned.

"A surprise visit," Keir remarked his voice guttural, "I see."

Eris didn't bother replying as he walked in step with Keir. His eyes darting everywhere. Observing his surroundings. They walked down a hallway and began descending to the level below. He had been here before. Not many times, but enough for him to mark exits and potential escape routes in case the Illyrian bastards ever decided to kill him. What a nuisance that would be. He smirked at the thought. It didn't go unnoticed, however, Kier didn't comment. They usually never spoke until they were inside the exceptionally large meeting room safe from spying eyes. Today would be a little different, but the Steward didn't know that. Eris was sure he wouldn't like his little surprise.

They approached the ornamented doors of the meeting room and Keir sent a little of his magic out, making the doors groan as they opened. Eris stepped inside absurdly darkly furnished room and felt the male beside him stop dead.

"Welcome back Eris" The High Lord of the Night Court drawled.


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