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I'm probably gona use the same picture for every chapter so you'll have to get use to it lmao. And btw (h/n) stands for hero name. Enjoy!

Todoroki's pov

"Are you okay?" (y/n) asks as she sits down next to me.

"Yes, I'm fine" I lie, don't want to bother her with my problems

"You don't look like your fine Shoto. You know you can always talk to me, I would listen and help you if I could." She says with a warm smile that makes my hole body turn really hot. I realise that I'm blushing really hard so I try to hide it by looking down.

"I- I just have some problems at home..." I just answer her, still looking down.

"Do you want to talk about them? It might feel better afterwards." She said which made me look up and meet her beautiful (e/c) eyes that were looking back at me.

"Well..." and then I told her everything, about all the traumatic things that happened in my childhood, my abusive father and my mother who was in a mental hospital. I never talked about it with anyone before, but she felt special. She sat there and listened at everything and it looked like she really cared, nobody ever cared for me like that before.

"I'm so sorry Shoto..." she said looking really sad in her eyes.

"It's not your fault (y/n)..."

"I know, but I wish I could have been there with you. Supporting you, being your friend."

"Thank you (y/n), you are the first one to ever say something like that to me." I said and looked down again, and out of nowhere she hugged me.

It felt so weird, but not bad weird, good weird. I never wanted it to stop, her warm embrace made me feel so good, she made me feel so loved, so special. I needed her to be with me, only me.



"I'm always gona be with you if you need me, I love you." It was so amazing to hear her say that. I had no idee how to reply.



"I will always be with you and I will never leave your side until the day we die. I love you too, so much."

You broke your promise (y/n), you left me. But it probably wasn't your fault. You would never leave the beautiful room I prepared for you on purpose, I even hang up some om the photos I had on you. Someone must have stolen you, someone took you away from me.

I been looking all over for you, but you're gone. I even went to your house and all your clothes was still there. I took some of your clothes, I hope you don't mind. They smelled like you and I love the way you smell. I still talk to you, even if it's not the real you. I talk to the made up (y/n) in my mind. She is not as good as you but she is good.

She often speaks with me when I kill people. She tells me to stop, she says that it's not good and that the real (y/n) wouldn't like it. But she isn't here. She is gone and I miss her so much.

Remember Me? || Bakagou, Todoroki, Midoryia x Reader [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now