sleeping beauty

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Todoroki's pov

"S-Shoto?" She cried out. How did she know my name. I stopped walking. I was frozen and she looked so scared. Who was she?

"How do you know my name?" I asked her while I was staring at her. She was quiet, the only thing I could hear was her crying. I needed to know who she was.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME!?" I scream at her starting to get angry. I needed to know.

"I never thought you could do something like this..." she cried out as she activates her fire to get free from my ice trap. Her mask of ice also melts and I now can se her face clearly. It's (Y/n).

I couldn't move. I was frozen where I stood. I have hurted my love and future wife. She probably hates me now. Her eyes is full of tears and it breaks my heart to see her like that. I really wana hug her, kiss her and tell her how much I love her.

"(Y/n) I-"

"Save it. I believed in you Shoto, I always did. I fucking loved you. And now your a villan who finds pleasure in killing people. I never wana see you again" she said and it hurted so much. It was like getting stabbed in the stomach over and over again.

"(Y/n), can we please talk..." I pleaded her. She can't hate me, she can't.

She was quiet and then left me alone in the alley. I wanted to follow her, but I couldn't move. I was heartbroken. She said she never wanted to see me again, but she also told me she loved me. I'm not going to give up. She will be mine and I will make her eat up all the horrible things she said, and then we will live happily ever after.

Midoriya's pov

This hotel is really nice, I understand why she chosen to stay here. The receptionist said her room number was number 345 so let's check it out. I figured out what window went to her room and activated my quirk. I ran on the wall and smashed the window to her room. This is almoust to easy.

Now I just need to hide the glas and the broken window. I hide the broken glas under the carpet and hide the broken window by just dragging over the curtain. Now let's find a good hiding spot so I can kill her as soon as she gets back.

Time skip

She is taking really long, it was 2 hours ago she went out. I decide to look through her stuff since she be dead soon anyways. I opened her bag to find a lot of clothes. She have no pictures or anything, she must be really lonely just like me. Her clothes smells really good and I'm accualy thinking about taking some of them, she won't need them anyways, and they smell similar to my (y/n).

She has a lot of masks. They are not fireproof or anything so the quality is really bad. She must have bought them recently, becous if she used them on a regular basis she would have problem with being a pro hero.

There is nothing showing what quirk she has and nobody online knows it. Well I just use the power of surprise when I kill her so I dont have to find out. I hear the door open and I quickly hide behind the curtain.

She closes the door and walks right to her bed. There is something familiar with her and it hurts to see her so sad. I wana hug her and tell her everything is going to be alright.

I need to stop, I'm going to kill her. But I don't want to kill her. I wana lock her up somewhere and have her all to myself...

She makes me feel somewhat weird and I love the feeling. I can't kill her yet, I don't wana let go of this feeling. I continue watching her and after a while I realize who she is. It's (Y/n).

She have (longer/shorter) hair then before and she is taller. She looks absolutely stunning, even if she's crying. I'm standing there adoring her for about 10 minutes, then she goes to the bathroom to change. I stay behind the curtains, waiting for her to come out.

Time skip

She looks so cute when she's asleep. I wonder if I could kiss her without her waking up. I decid to do it. I lean down to her beautiful face and pres my lips against hers. They are so warm and soft, it feels like heaven.

I always wanted to do that, kiss her. I saw her and Kachaan kiss, I saw her and Todoroki kiss but she never kissed me. Probably becous we never were a couple, or at least not a couple who kissed each other since we were so young. We always said we would save it for when we were older, but then we broke up.

I break the kiss and stare at her gorgeous face. I always wished I could get her back, but she was either with Kachaan or Todoroki, she was never single.

I always tried to make her single so we could be together. I hacked kachaan and Todoroki's phones and sent her mean texts from them, I broke in to her apartment making it seam like it was them who who did it. But she never though it was them, she always thought it was the "stalker". I might have been her stalker but she would never even consider that it could've been me, she trusted me too much.

"I've done some messed up things for you, but you still didn't realize that I am your one and only." I wishper to her ear. I know she can't hear me. But I still wanted to say it.

Its 5.54 am and she probably need to wake up soon. I don't want her to see me here so I decide that it's time to leave. I kiss her cheek and start to walk towards the window.

"Godbye my sweet (y/n), I will soon come and get you, dont worry." I say and jump out the window, leaving my everything alone in that hotel room.

A/n: What will happen next? Well you probably already guessed, It's going to be Bakahoe time bitches😘 love these boys omg, someone help me😍

Remember Me? || Bakagou, Todoroki, Midoryia x Reader [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now