A plan

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He continued to look down and it started to freak you out. What if he hits you? What if he hurts you?
Would he kill you? No he wouldn't, or would he? Can you fix this? Can you apologize? A thousand thoughts went through your head as he continued to look down. You opened your mouth ready to say something but then a tear fell to the floor, Izukus tear.

"I'm so sorry (Y/n). I didn't know what to do, you never noticed me before. I tried so hard to make you love me but you always choosed Todoroki or Bakagou. This is the only way I could get you totally for myself." He cried and sat down on the floor with tears streaming down his face.

"So you thought you could make me love you by kidnapping me?"

"A little, but mostly I didn't want anybody else looking at what's mine."

You were stunned by his statement. You never knew that he felt this way and it honestly creeped you out a bit. This wasn't love, this was obsession, an unhealthy obsession. You always saw his as Izuku, your sweet innocent best friends but that was far from the truth, how could you be so blind.

He looked at you waiting for an answer. You didn't know what to say so you just nodded. He smiled and stood up. He then continued walking and gestured for you to follow him. You did and as you were walking a plan formed in your head.

What if you pretend to like him? Then you would get more freedom and have a bigger shot at escaping. Of course it would be really mean to Izuku but he kidnapped you. You decided to do it and stopped walking.

"Izuku." You called and he turned around.

"Yeah?" He said obviously surprised that you called his name. You ran up to him and hugged him. He was in shock but after a while he hugged back. He started crying and tightened his grip on you.

"This is all I wanted for the past... thank you (Y/n)."

You felt a bit bad about taking advantage of him like that, but you needed to get out and he kinda deserved it since he did kidnap you. You ended the hug and wiped the tears of his face. He gave you the happiest smile which made you smile back.

"(Y/n) you look hungry, would you like some (f/f)?"

"Yes I would love some (f/f)!" You smiled and his face turned red.

Timeskip becous I'm lazy

You finished your food and turned to look at Izuku who had been staring at you the whole time you ate. You didn't like being watched when you ate so it annoyed you a bit.

"What?" You asked.

"You look so beautiful when you eat." He answers and took your plate and moved it to the sink. You thanked for the food and he nodded in response.

"I really missed you (Y/n), it's empty without you..." he says.  He looks into your (e/c) eyes and smiles. You smile back and you don't really know if it's because you want it yourself or because it would make him trust you more.  You stand up and walk towards him, when you arrive you take his hands in yours and look deep into his eyes.

His eyes gleam with joy and it reminds you of your childhood.  He used to be your best friend and you used to do everything together. He was always there for you when you needed him, when your parents died, when you were going to sleep in your new apartment for the first time and when someone had broken into the apartment.

You never thanked him enough for all of that, you don't know what you would have done without him.  When he disappeared, your heart broke and you can't describe the pain you had when he wasn't there. Now he is here but he does not feel like the same person.

"Thank you for always being there for me when I was little. I don't know what I would have done without you." You release his hands and embrace him. "Of course, you are mine."  He retunes the hug and after a while you both release each other.

"Let me show you your room" he says and starts walking. You follow him and after a while you arrive in front of a white door. "Welcome to your new room."  He says with a smile on his lips.  You open the door and enter a well-lit room. (I'm to lazy to explain so hers a picture)

"What do you think?"  Izuku asks behind you

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"What do you think?"  Izuku asks behind you. "It's wonderful, thank you Izu."  You say as you take a seat on the bed. "I'm glad you like it! I'll let you get some sleep and I'll be back in an hour."  He closes and you can hear the lock klick.  You listen to his footsteps and then you start searching the room for hidden cameras.  You look for a while but can't find a single camera.

You try to open the door just to see if it really was locked and as expected it was. You look around for something that you could use to open the door with, but you can't find anything. You give up and goes to your bed. The pillows are worry soft and it didn't take long before you fell asleep.

You wake up feeling unusually rested. You must have slept longer than an hour.  You sit up in the bed and yawn.  "Good morning sleepy."  You almost jump at the sound and notice Izuku sitting next to your bed watching you.  He smiles at you and moves to sit next to you on the bed. "I didn't want to wake you up, you looked so peaceful when you were asleep."

"Is there anything else I could wear, I've been wearing these clothes for a while now."

"Of course! Let me go and get a couple of clothes for you!"  Izuku says and runs out the door.  Did he lock the door?  You get out of your bed and run to the door and as you thought it was open. You look outside to check if the coast was clear. You can't see Izuku anywhere so you run out of the room. You begin to look for the room you saw Yo in and it doesn't take long before you find the right door. You open it and see Yo in the same state as before and look for something to cut the ropes of with.

You will find nothing but realize that the ropes are tied with knots that are not very difficult to tie up.  You tie up the ropes and are about to lift him up when you realise that he's not breathing. You check for his pulse but he has none. He's dead.

You can't take his dead body with you and even if it feels wrong you have to leave the body there. You leave the room and start looking for an exit. You find a staircase and goes to the next floor. On the next floor there is a bar and you can see a door that looks like an exit. You ran up to it and open it.

You can feel the cold air hitting you when you step out. You're outside but you're in an alleyway. You find your way out and manage to find a cab to ride with.

A/n: this is real crapy but I don't really have time to edit it or do it better😂

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