Bank robbery

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(Y/n)'s pov

I wake up in the morining feeling somewhat dizzy. It must be for all the crying yesterday. I'm still shocked by how Todoroki acted. I yawn and then sit up in my bed. The sun shines and it filled my room with light. I look out the window and realise there is something wrong with it. It's broken.

It wasn't broken before, someone must have broken it. I get up from my bed and walk towards the window when I step on something. I look down and there is something under the carpet. I look under it and find glass, probably from the window.

Then it hit me, someone must have broken in. Someone has been in my room, maybe even when I was asleep. Can it be the stalker? The one who kidnapped me? Is it Shoto? No he would never do that, or would he? He did become a villan who kills people so I obviously don't know him anymore.

Is there anything missing? I look around and through my bag. Some clothes I thought I folded was not folded anymore, but nothing was missing. Why would someone break in without stealing anything? Thoughts went through my mind as I continued to investigate the room. It took a while until I realised that I'm late for work.

I quickly staped on my hero suit and ran out the door. I can continue investigate the room when I get back.

Time skip

I arrive at the hero base just 5 minutes late. It didn't take as long as I thought to get here. There no longer exist hero agencies in Japan, a lot of heroes have been killed and now all the remaining heroes have to work together.

I take the stairs up to the third floor as the e-mail I got said. It's a big office and it looks much more professional than the one in the US. All desks are so clean and all the paperwork seams done.

"(Y/n)?!" a voice askes from beside me. I turn around to see Kirishima staring at me shocked.

"Kiri!" I said in a cheerful voice as I run up to him and embracing him in a big hug.

"Are you the pro hero from USA!?"

"Yeah, I'm so happy I ran in to you, I have no idea what to do now."

"Well we're going on patrol downtown, and I think you're going with us." He said and gives me a warm smile.

"She is." Someone said behind me which made me jump in surprise. I turn around to see Yoe Shindo smiling at me.

"Sorry if I scared you (Y/n), it's nice seeing you again." He said.

"Oh, i-it's n-nice seeing you to Joe" I said nervously, give him a warm smile. He looks so good, he changed his hero suit and his hair is styled in such a hot way. Stop it (Y/n) you can't do this now.

"I'm going to help you during your work here, so if you have any questions ask me. Now follow me I will show you around and then we will go patrolling downtown" He said and grabbed my hand. He then started walking and I followed. I could feel the blush on my face and I hope he didn't notice.

Bakagou's pov

30 minutes until the new american hero is dead. I can't wait. Soon there won't be any heroes. They all will be gone. Then I can rule this damn country and people will understand and feel the pain I feel. The pain when everything you ever cared about is gone.

'Bzzz bzzz'

Seriously, who the actual fuck are texting me. I look at my phone. Fucking shitty hair Kirishima. What da fuck is he texting me for. I just ignore all his texts, they're probably not important.

I better change to my villan suit now and then I better get going.

Time skip

Some weak as villans are robbing a bank nearby so there is probably where the heroes are. I walk towards the bank and some other villans from my leuge are following me. People around us gasps, screams and runs away.

Unlike other villans I don't hide my identity and I do my shit public to make people scared of me. I use the same suit as I did when I was a hero, I don't really care about appearances I just need to get the job done.

The bank is locked but I can hear noises from the inside. It sounds like they captured the villans, well time for the boss battle I guess. I use my explosions to create a hole in wall so we can get in. There is a lot of smoke from the explotion so I cant really see all the heroes.

"So, who of you is (h/n)?" The room is quiet, the heroes are quiet.

"I'm really going to lose my temper if nobody tells me who the hell this (h/n) is." The smoke starts to disappear and I can almost see the heroes. I'm about to scream one more time but something cuts me of.


A/n: OoO

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