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Thor turned to loki and smiled, "I wish to climb a tree, care to join me?" He jokingly bowed slightly, offering his hand to his brother who looked slightly angered. "Fine. But after you have to leave me alone, okay?" He replied bitterly. The blonde nodded and with that, loki took his hand as they walked eligently to the gardens once more.

Thor spotted a big tree with several branches. He pulled his brother by the hand towards it, eventually letting go and attempting to climb it, branch by branch. Loki stood back and watched as he climbed. Analysing the the branches he relied on. Once he reached the top he beckoned loki to do the same. And he does so. Climbing up with care, strategically pulling himself up by his elevated feet and soon, reaching the top. He sat next to Thor, the branch they sat on was large and covered in light green moss. The leaves were thick on either side of them.

"Isn't it beautiful...?" Thor questioned, loki turning to him, slightly alarmed by his sudden speech. "I suppose...it is quite beautiful." The younger brother replied. Not taking his eyes off the other.

Thor and loki discussed various topics of conversation. The weather, their parents, the people, and even what they were going to do when they were in power. Loki didn't bother vocalising what he wanted to do as king. It had been years since the realisation had eased into his thoughts that he was never going to be king. Not when Thor was around. And he didn't mind. He knew Thor was going to be a great king, he used to imagine the words he would speak to his brother at his corrination so that he wouldn't mess up and accidently spill the truth...

A few hours has gone by and the sky had dulled. The two perked as their father called Thor from the garden doors. The eldest of the pair started to climb down. Helping his brother with every branch, making sure he was far from falling. Once they had reached the floor they both ran in unison to their awaiting father.

"Thor it is time for combat training. Loki? Go...read in the library." Loki heart cracked a little, he followed his father's orders without a word, walking to the library whist trying his hardest to ignore the pain that lingered in his chest. Thor questioned the disparting of his brother but was quickly dismissed and taken to a practice fight classroom.

Loki entered the library, walking along one particular isle and swing skillfully onto a ladder, reaching for a book he had passed over quite a few times. He just didn't have the bravery to read it. The shelves of books reached the celing but had large cubby holes in the middle of each one. Loki pulled the book out and tucked it under his arm as he climbed higher and into a cubby hole that he had crowned his own. He sat and opened the pages. The title was printed in small letters at the start of the introduction.

The history of jotunheim.

Thor tumbled under the weight of the sword his father handed him. It crashed to the floor as he fell after it. He was scolded. He tried effortlessly and was almost always successful when it came to beheading the poor unsuspecting dummies. But the weapons he preferred were hammers or any type of maul weapon. He loved to swing at his victims but he didn't quite know why. Maybe it was the aproving look he always got from his father who applauded him every time he swung with accuracy and perpose. He craved the attention and, momentarily, wanted nothing more but to appease his father, to achieve his respect and to make him proud. He'd live up to his father's name no matter what.

Loki kicked the book from his cubby hole as it fell to the ground. He weeped in the corner. His face still in the process of fading out of blue. He couldn't believe it. It couldn't be true. His anger for his father washed over him, "so that's why he favoured Thor. " he thought to himself. His cheeks swam with tears but he felt nothing. He felt as if he was watching himself cry as nothing but an audience, he felt as though it wasn't him who was feeling this pain but the actor in front of him. The pain returned at the sound of his mother's voice, stalking through the shelves of books. She stopped at a particular book that had fallen on the floor, he bent over and picked it up, bringing it close enough to read the cover. The history of yotumheim. She looked up. Her heart felt weak as she heard the child's sobs. Although he wanted to comfort the child, she could not explain to him who he really was. So she ran to retrieve her husband.

Loki was already thinking of how he could stir trouble, he wanted to grant the pain he felt onto his family. He quickly exited the cubby hole after his mother's dissappearence and ran out the library. He kept running until his lungs burnt, still sobbing, the child ran out of the castle and into the village. He took a minute to catch his breath as it burned through his throat and in and out of his lungs. He ran out of the village and to the bifrost. He couldn't live in asgard. Not while he understood that he was not, in blood, asgardian. He didn't deserve it.

He entered the bifrost to meet the keeper. Loki immediately asked to go to yotumheim but the keeper obviously declined. Loki lifted his right hand and let it swarm with a dark emerald mist. That mist soon became painful looking shards of glass, spinning violently in a tornado of green gas. He keeper begrudging let him through under his threat. Not because Loki was intimidating but because if the child were to lash out and the keeper defended himself in battle then he'd be exicuted for his crimes against the prince of asgard. Loki left through the rainbow glass light, and reappeared on the empty, hard, icy ground...of yotumheim.

(Hope you liiikkke! Not gonna edit because I can't be bothered so excuse any grammatical or spelling mistakes! Hope you have a great day x)

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